libreoffice application does not use unity launcher

libreoffice application does not use unity launcher

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In this, you may observe that though libre writer is up, unity launcher does not have blue arrow. And clicking on it, does not bring back the application window.

Any pointers. I am on 11.10.


This is a known bug:

It's pretty annoying, and in 11.10 you also can't switch to LibreOffice via alt-tab - it just doesn't show up. Installing "lo-menubar" doesn't necessarily help, and indeed it can make things worse, since when maximized LibreOffice applications won't show their own menu bar nor the global menu bar, making it impossible to even close the window without resorting to keyboard shortcuts.

You can restart Unity for a very temporary fix, but sooner rather than later it'll happen again, sometimes right away.


I am experiencing this bug too. Just restart unity. Run the command unity --replace. This works for me every time.


According to this page, support for the global menubar (and I assume the Unity launcher goes along with that) was intentionally not put in for the 11.10 release, citing stability concerns.

You can install support separately via the lo-menubar package: sudo apt-get install lo-menubar

I installed the package and it seems to work great so far.


In my case it helped to install a newer version of bamfdaemon, libbamf3-0 and libbamf0

  1. Get the packages from
  2. Install with sudo dpkg -i <packages>
  3. Kill the bamfdaemon with killall bamfdaemon

Libreoffice now should show up in the Unity-Panel and in alt-tab.

(Credits to
