Gnuplot: 列ヘッダーを読み取って異なるディレクトリの *txt ファイルからプロットする

Gnuplot: 列ヘッダーを読み取って異なるディレクトリの *txt ファイルからプロットする


$ tree
├── Original_folder
│   └── cat.txt
├── folderCD
│   └── cat.txt
├── folderGK
│   └── cat.txt
├── folderFE
    └── cat.txt


Version LRv1.10.0
Build date 2017-12-06
      Time[s]     InletT[K]   InletP[Pa]   O2_GasOut     C_GasOut
       100         0.000885   1000000       0.0007       0.2111
and so on....

最初の列を、キーワード「_GasOut」を含む列ヘッダーを持つ列とともにプロットします。(このキーワードを含むヘッダーの数は不明です。各列ごとに個別のグラフを作成したいと思います)。さらに、Original_folder のグラフィカル結果は、folderCD、folderGK、folderFE などのすべてのプロットに対して同じグラフにプロットする必要があります。

対応するグラフは、列ヘッダーと同じタイトルで対応するフォルダーに保存する必要があります。各グラフには、2 つの凡例 (1 つは「original_folder」、もう 1 つは「folderCD/folderGK/......」) が必要です。

Original_folder のすべての出力プロット コマンドを 1 つの txt ファイルに、他のすべてのフォルダーのプロット コマンドを別の txt ファイルに取得しました。その後、先に進む方法が見つかりません。他のすべてのケースでこれを行うにはどうすればよいですか? また、列ヘッダーをタイトルにするにはどうすればよいですか?


for dir in folder* ; do
 echo "Preparing Post_processing files for ${dir}"
 mkdir "$dir"/Post_processing                        
 gawk -F  $'\t' '                                    

          print "reset\nset terminal pngcairo size 1024,768\nset encoding utf8\nset termoption dash\nset termopt enhanced"  
          print "set key top right"                                                                                         
          print "set xlabel '"'Time[s]'"';"    
       for(f in wanted){                           
          if(length(cmds)) cmds = cmds ",\n"
          hdr = colhdr[f]                        
          printf("set ylabel '"'%s'"';\n",hdr)
          printf("set output '"'"$dir/Post_processing"/%s.png'"'\n",hdr)
          cmds = cmds "plot ""\"" FILENAME "\" using 1:" f " with lines" ","
          #print "plot " FILENAME using 1:" f " with lines" ",""
          cmds=cmds"'"'Original_folder/cat.txt'"' using 1:" f " with lines"        

       delete wanted  
       print cmds     
    ' "$dir"/cat.txt>"$dir"/plot.gpl

   gnuplot "$dir"/plot.gpl


set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768
set encoding utf8
set termoption dash
set termopt enhanced
set xlabel 'Time[s]';
set ylabel 'H2_GasOut';
set output 'folderCD/Post_processing/H2_GasOut.png'
set ylabel 'O2_GasOut';
set output 'folderGK/Post_processing/O2_GasOut.png'
set ylabel 'H2O_GasOut';
set output 'folderFE/Post_processing/H2O_GasOut.png'
plot "folderCD/cat.txt" using 1:28 with lines,'Original_folder/cat.txt' using 1:28 with lines,
plot "folderGK/cat.txt" using 1:29 with lines,'Original_folder/cat.txt' using 1:29 with lines,
plot "folderGK/cat.txt" using 1:30 with lines,'Original_folder/cat.txt' using 1:30 with lines


set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768
set encoding utf8
set termoption dash
set termopt enhanced
set xlabel 'Time[s]';
set ylabel 'H2_GasOut';
set output 'folderCD/Post_processing/H2_GasOut.png'
plot "folderCD/cat.txt" using 1:28 with lines,'Original_RedKinMec/cat.txt' using 1:28 with lines,
set ylabel 'O2_GasOut';
set output 'folderGK/Post_processing/O2_GasOut.png'
plot "folderGK/cat.txt" using 1:29 with lines,'Original_folder/cat.txt' using 1:29 with lines,
set ylabel 'H2O_GasOut';
set output 'folderFE/Post_processing/H2O_GasOut.png'
plot "folderGK/cat.txt" using 1:30 with lines,'Original_folder/cat.txt' using 1:30 with lines


set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768
   set encoding utf8
   set termopt dash
   set termopt enhanced
   set key top right
   set xlabel "Time[s]"
   set ylabel "O2_GasOut"
   set output "Post_processing/O2_GasOut.png"
   plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:22 with lines,\
   plot "folder2/cat.txt" using 1:22 with lines,\
   plot "folder3/cat.txt" using 1:22 with lines,\
   plot "folder4/cat.txt" using 1:22 with lines
   set ylabel "H2O_GasOut"
   set output "Post_processing/H2O_GasOut.png"
   plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:23 with lines,\
   plot "folder2/cat.txt" using 1:23 with lines,\
   plot "folder3/cat.txt" using 1:23 with lines,
   plot "folder4/cat.txt" using 1:23 with lines
   set ylabel "H2_GasOut"
   set output "Post_processing/H2_GasOut.png"
   plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:24 with lines,\
   plot "folder2/cat.txt" using 1:24 with lines,\
   plot "folder3/cat.txt" using 1:24 with lines,\
   plot "folder4/cat.txt" using 1:24 with lines

N.B: folder numbers are not fixed.
I added one of the cat.txt file for reference.!Aoomvi55MLAQh1wMmpnPGnliFmgg 


まず、スクリプトを分割して、bashスクリプトとawkスクリプト ファイルを作成します。こうすることで、スクリプト内で必要なエスケープが少なくなり、-optionを使用bashして変数を転送できるようになります。awk-v

for dir in folder* ; do
  echo "Preparing Post_processing files for ${dir}"
  mkdir "${dir}"/Post_processing
  gawk -f make_gpl.awk -v dirname="${dir}" "${dir}"/cat.txt > "${dir}"/plot.gpl
  gnuplot "${dir}"/plot.gpl



#inserted field separator definition into script
BEGIN { FS="\t" }
      # $a ~ "B" matches if string B is part of field $a
      # only these elements are taken to array colhdr
      if ($f ~ "_GasOut") colhdr[f]=$f
      #split prints with newlines into separate splits for readability
      print "set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768
      print "set encoding utf8"
      print "set termopt dash"
      print "set termopt enhanced"  
      print "set key top right"                                                                                         
      print "set xlabel \"Time[s]\""
      #for loop only matches if element of array colhdr is set
      for(f in colhdr){
        #it looks like there are only preceding spaces
        gsub(/^ +/,"",colhdr[f])
        #printing strings only - no printf needed
        #escaping quotes if they need to be printed
        #removed semicolons and commas at end of plot command - newline will do
        print("set ylabel \""colhdr[f]"\"")
        print("set output \""dirname"/Post_processing/"colhdr[f]".png\"")
        print("plot \""FILENAME"\" using 1:"f" with lines")


set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768
set encoding utf8
set termopt dash
set termopt enhanced
set key top right
set xlabel "Time[s]"
set ylabel "O2_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/O2_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:22 with lines
set ylabel "H2O_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/H2O_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:23 with lines
set ylabel "H2_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/H2_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:24 with lines
set ylabel "N2_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/N2_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:25 with lines
set ylabel "NO_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/NO_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:26 with lines
set ylabel "NO2_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/NO2_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:27 with lines
set ylabel "N2O_GasOut"
set output "folder1/Post_processing/N2O_GasOut.png"
plot "folder1/cat.txt" using 1:28 with lines

プロットの y ラベルの書式設定が間違っている可能性があることに注意してください。ただし、目的の_書式がわかりません。 は、次の文字を下付き文字にしますtermopt enhanced。 より多くの文字を下付き文字にするには、括弧を使用します (例:C_6H_{12}O_6砂糖の分子式)。
