ファイルでは次のスタイルの構造が一般的です (各行は 1 つの段落を表します)。
Using style named "Main text": main text 1, paragraph break
(Using style named "Figure": Figure, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Title": Figure Title, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Legend": Figure Legend, paragraph break)*1 or repeat
Using style named "Main text": main text 2
Using style named "Main text": main text 1, paragraph break
Using style named "Main text": Part of main text 2, paragraph break (on the same page, fill to the bottom of the page)
Using style named "Figure": Figure, paragraph break (at the start of the next page)
Using style named "Figure Title": Figure Title, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Legend": Figure Legend, paragraph break
Using style named "Main text": Remaining part of main text 2
これを実現する方法を誰か知っていますか? どうもありがとうございます!