名前の異なるバージョンをすべて同じ著者として扱いたいと思います。 を使用すると、参考文献の並べ替えにこれを強制できますsortname
次の例は、テキスト引用が「Paul J[ohn] Smith」を「Paul John Smith」および「Paul Smith」とは異なる著者として扱う方法を示しています。最初の引用は (Smith 2002) と表示され、2 番目の引用は (2001a、2001b、2002) と表示されます。
bibstyle = authoryear,
citestyle = authoryear-comp,
dashed = false,
sorting = nyt,
sortcites = false,
language = american,
abbreviate = false,
backend = biber]{biblatex}
AUTHOR = "Paul John Smith",
TITLE = "My first book",
YEAR = "2001"}
AUTHOR = "Paul Smith",
TITLE = "My second book",
YEAR = "2001",
SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
AUTHOR = "Paul J[ohn] Smith",
TITLE = "My third book",
YEAR = "2002",
SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
Some clever guy said that \parencite{smith2002}.
In fact, Paul Smith has talked about this several times \parencite*{smith2001a,smith2001b,smith2002}.
ソースマッピング機能への biblatex マクロ インターフェイスができました。これをプリアンブルに記述できます。
\step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{Paul\s+(?:J\S+\s+)?Smith}, final]
\step[fieldset=shortauthor, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
\step[fieldset=sortname, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
これは、上記の PLK のソリューションが実際にどのように機能するかを示すだけです。
bibstyle = authoryear,
citestyle = authoryear-comp,
dashed = false,
sorting = nyt,
sortcites = false,
language = american,
abbreviate = false,
backend = biber]{biblatex}
AUTHOR = "Paul John Smith",
TITLE = "My first book",
YEAR = "2001"}
AUTHOR = "Paul Smith",
TITLE = "My second book",
YEAR = "2001",
SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
AUTHOR = "Paul J[ohn] Smith",
TITLE = "My third book",
YEAR = "2002",
SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
\step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{Paul\s+(?:J\S+\s+)?Smith}, final]
\step[fieldset=shortauthor, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
\step[fieldset=sortname, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
Some clever guy said that \parencite{smith2002}.
In fact, Paul Smith has talked about this several times \parencite*{smith2001a,smith2001b,smith2002}.