

水平に配置された 2 つの状態があり、それらを接続する必要があります (例: A -> B および A <- B)。エッジが重ならないように配置するにはどうすればよいですか。また、図が A <-> B になるのではなく、互いに移動して入力メッセージを上下に配置できることが確認できます。

 (APPEND_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
 (DELETE_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)

??? を上、下、左曲げ = 20、右曲げ = 20 に設定してみましたが、いずれも意図した動作を生成しません...

更新: 完全なコードはここにあります。また、左右のループをそれほど大きくしないようにするにはどうすればよいでしょうか?


 % State: FULL_QR
 \node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
  Recompute QR \\

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,           % layout (defined above)
  below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,  % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}     % content
  Append column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Delete column update
 \node[state,            % layout (defined above)
  below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,   % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}      % content
  Delete column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,                % layout (defined above)
  below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
  node distance=5.0cm,       % distance to APPEND_COL
  anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}          % content
  Append row \\
  \ \ QR update

 % draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
 \path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
 column} (DELETE_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
 node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
 node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[above]
       node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[below]
       node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
       (APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}




接続線は方向が逆なので、片方の線ともう片方の線でbend left=<value>はなく、両方の線に を使用する必要があります。bend leftbend right



 % State: FULL_QR
 \node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
  Recompute QR \\

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,           % layout (defined above)
  below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,  % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}     % content
  Append column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Delete column update
 \node[state,            % layout (defined above)
  below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,   % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}      % content
  Delete column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,                % layout (defined above)
  below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
  node distance=5.0cm,       % distance to APPEND_COL
  anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}          % content
  Append row \\
  \ \ QR update

 % draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
 \path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
 column} (DELETE_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
 node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
 node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[above, bend left=5]
       node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[below, bend left=5]
       node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
       (APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}


