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\section{Correct Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Wrong Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{LAst Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
しかし興味深いことに、列の順序は正しいのに、目次は順序が間違っています。なぜこのようなことが起こるのでしょうか? また、どのように修正すればよいのでしょうか? (もちろん、定義を\@outputdblcol
David Carlisle の提案を使用すると、まったく同じ問題が発生します。
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\section{Correct Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Wrong Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{LAst Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
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\section{Correct Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Wrong Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{LAst Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
最初の 2 つの例で TOC を修正する方法にのみ興味があります。
、書き込み順序は変わりません。代わりに、列を自然な順序で出力するのではなく、RTL 設定を使用するように xetex (または luatex と同等のもの) に指示することはできますか?
\hb@xt@\textwidth {\beginR%
私が思うに右これを行う方法はありませんが (ただし、うまくいきません)、手動でボックスをシャッフルすることになります。これはうまくいくようです:
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\section{Correct Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Wrong Headings}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{LAst Part}
Some useless text that we are provingin