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apsrev4-1 参考文献スタイル: 開始ページのみ表示

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hey \cite{toral_fokker-planck_2003}




title = {A Fokker-Planck description for Parrondo's games},
volume = {5114},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.490173},
doi = {10.1117/12.490173},
abstract = {We discuss in detail two recently proposed relations between the Parrondo's games and the Fokker-Planck equation describing the flashing ratchet as the overdamped motion of a particle in a potential landscape. In both cases it is possible to relate exactly the probabilities of the games to the potential in which the overdamped particle moves. We will discuss under which conditions current-less potentials correspond to fair games and vie versa.},
urldate = {2013-12-27},
booktitle = {Proc. {SPIE}},
author = {Toral, Raul and Amengual, Pau and Mangioni, Sergio},
year = {2003},
pages = {309--317}

参考文献リストの出力は次のようになります: R. Toral、P. Amengual、および S. Mangioni、Proc. SPIE、Vol. 5114 (2003) pp. 309–317。

Physical Review E のようなジャーナルでは、参照項目は309ではなくのみ表示されますpp. 309-137。質問は、.bib ファイルを手動で編集せずに、LaTeX で最初のページ番号のみを表示する方法はあるかということです。
