ここに 1 つの試みがあります。ただし、色を調整することもできます。
%% \arrayrulecolor{magenta} %%% uncomment this to have all rules in this color
\caption[Some table]{This is my table}\label{tab:mytab}
\scshape Some text & \scshape Some text here & \scshape Some text & \multicolumn{1}{G}{\scshape
And some more text here} \\\midrule
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\\bottomrule
\caption[Some table]{This is my table}\label{tab:myothertab}
\scshape Some text & \scshape Some text here & \scshape Some text & \scshape And some more text
here \\\midrule
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\
Some text & Some text here & some text & and some more text here \\\bottomrule
以下は、OP の最初の表をできるだけ忠実に再現するコードです。主にcaption
(キャプションの位置用)、さらに microtype
\usepackage[showframe, nomarginpar, textwidth = 15cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[svgnames, x11names]{xcolor}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, colortbl}
\usepackage{caption, floatrow}
\DeclareCaptionFormat{leftmargin}{\captionsetup{textfont={small, sf, md, up}, labelfont={small, sf, md, up}, labelsep=space, position = above, slc = off} \raggedright\textls*[150]{\MakeUppercase{#1 #2}}#3}%
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\renewcommand{\theadfont}{\SetTracking{encoding= *, shape= sc}{180}\color{black}\rmfamily\scshape}%
\centering\arrayrulecolor{DeepPink3!50!DeepPink2}\captionsetup{format = leftmargin, font = {color ={DeepPink3!50!DeepPink2}} }
\ttabbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Properties of everyday -- or Galilean -- velocity.}}%
\begin{tabular}{@{}*{3}{l} >{\color{SeaGreen2!45!Cyan4}\sffamily}l@{}}
\thead{Velocities\\can} & \thead{Physical \\ properties} & \thead{Mathematical \\ name} & \thead{Definition}\\
Be distinguished & distinguibility & element of set & Vol. III, page 242 \\
Change gradually & continuum & real vector space & \makecell[tl]{Page 77, Vol. V, \\ page 349} \\
Point somewhere, direction & vector space, dimensionality & Page 77 \\
Be compared & measurability & metricity & Vol. V, page 340 \\
Be added & additivity & vector space & Page 77 \\
Have defined angles & direction & Euclidean vector space & Page 77 \\
Exceed any limit & infinity & unboundedness & Vol. III, page 243 \\