tikz-qtree ツリーの下の空白を減らす

tikz-qtree ツリーの下の空白を減らす



\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.


1 つのオプションは、曲線パスの境界ボックスを中断するために を使用することですpgfinterruptboundingbox。その場合、手動でいくらかの間隔を追加する必要があります (または、手動介入を回避するには以下を参照してください)。

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.



手動で間隔を追加する手間を省くには、境界ボックスが中断された後、最も低いノードの下に適切なもの (たとえば、空のノード) を配置するだけです。

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);
\node[below=of VERB] {};

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.



\useasboundingboxコマンドの前にを使用すると\draw、境界ボックスに影響を与えないようにすることができます。矢印用に下に余分なスペースを追加する必要があるため、[yshift=-1.2cm](試行錯誤で発見) となります。

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\useasboundingbox (current bounding box.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-1.2cm]current bounding box.south east);

\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.



描画コマンドの out 値をいじることで、空白のほとんどをなくすことができました。値を -90 から -180 に変更し、目的の間隔を実現しました。
