。それを実行する方法はありますか? そのためにはパッケージを使用する必要がありますか?
\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}} \author{Author's Name}
\begin{abstract} The abstract text goes here. \end{abstract}
\section{Introduction} Here is the introduction.
\subsection{Subsection Heading Here} Write your subsection text here.
\section{Conclusion} Write your conclusion here.
\begin{biography} Author 1 Bio \end{biography}
\begin{biography} Author 2 Bio \end{biography}
\textbf{Author A} is a well-known author in the field of the journal scope. His/Her research interests include interest 1, interest 2.\par
\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}} \author{Author's Name}
\begin{abstract} The abstract text goes here. \end{abstract}
\section{Introduction} Here is the introduction.
\subsection{Subsection Heading Here} Write your subsection text here.
\section{Conclusion} Write your conclusion here.
\item[Santa Claus] is a world-renowned expert on the psychology of giving and author of \emph{How to Raise Your Reindeer}.
\item[The Tooth Fairy] has published widely on the commodification of children's body parts and the commercialisation of human imaginative capacities.
これは単なる 1 つの方法であり、私はさまざまな方法で行われているのを見てきました。
\title{Introduction to \LaTeX{}}
\author{Author's Name}
The abstract text goes here.
Here is the introduction.
\subsection{Subsection Heading Here}
Write your subsection text here.
Write your conclusion here.
\section*{Authors' Biographies}
\subsection*{Author One}
\textbf{Author One} is an extraordinary researcher powered by caffeine and Red Bull.
He has written several incredible articles that will change your life forever.
\subsection*{Author Two}
\textbf{Author Two} is the Chief Duck Researcher at the National Wildlife Federation.
He has contributed to extensive research studying the migration patterns of duck
species all over the globe.