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% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
In a wide variety of simple disease models, the rate of change in the number of
infected people can be written as
where $I$ is the number of infected people, $S$ is the number of susceptible people,
$T$ is the total number of people in the population, $\beta$ is the transmission rate
of the disease, and $m$ is the rate at which individuals leave the infected group.
Here $\dot{I}$ means the derivative of $I$ with respect to time, a convention we will
use throughout the paper. Equation \eqref{eq:1} is applicable to a wide variety of
one-group models. Following Ca\-stillo-Chavez et al.\ [3], we allow $b$ to be a
function of $T$, allowing a variety of assumptions about mixing. Depending on the type
of model, the per-capi\-ta removal rate, $m$, may include the rate of
\enquote{background} mortality or disease-induced mortality, or transitions to immune,
susceptible or quarantined compartments.