tkz-euclide でセリフなしでポイントにラベルを付けるにはどうすればよいですか?

tkz-euclide でセリフなしでポイントにラベルを付けるにはどうすればよいですか?



ご覧のとおり、ポイント $A、B、C$ にはセリフがあります。セリフをなくしたいのですが、フォントを\tkzLabelPoints? に変更する必要がありますか。(font=\sffamily\sansmath動作しません)


\documentclass[varwidth=true, border=2pt]{standalone}

% Thanks to Jan Hlavacek for giving an example for hyperbolic triangles
% (

% Thanks to Jonas Granholm for help with the angles
% (



    % Define points

    % Draw big circle

    % I have no idea what this does,
    % but when I remove it the rest of the image (the big circles)
    % get visible. So it seems to crop the image to the size of the circle

    % Draw angles
    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](B,A,C)

    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](C,B,A)

    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](A,C,B)

    % "Clip" angles
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=A and B,color=white](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=A and C,color=white](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=B and C,color=white](O,Z)

    % Draw big circle

    % Draw lines
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=A and B,color=green](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=A and C,color=blue](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=B and C,color=red](O,Z)

    % Draw points and label them
    \tkzLabelPoints[below left](B)
    \tkzLabelPoints[above left](C)


ポイントのラベルはTikZノードであり、\tkzLabelPoints通常のノードと同様にオプションを追加できるため、\tkzLabelPoints[below,font=\sansmath](A)1つのラベルに対して機能します。これをすべてのポイントラベルに設定するには、それらに使用されるスタイルを変更しますlabel style

label style/.append style={font=\sansmath}




\documentclass[varwidth=true, border=2pt]{standalone}

% Thanks to Jan Hlavacek for giving an example for hyperbolic triangles
% (

% Thanks to Jonas Granholm for help with the angles
% (


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=3,label style/.append style={font=\sansmath}]

    % Define points

    % Draw big circle

    % I have no idea what this does,
    % but when I remove it the rest of the image (the big circles)
    % get visible. So it seems to crop the image to the size of the circle

    % Draw angles
    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](B,A,C)

    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](C,B,A)

    \tkzMarkAngles[fill= orange,size=0.3cm,opacity=.3](A,C,B)

    % "Clip" angles
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=A and B,color=white](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=A and C,color=white](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[fill,orthogonal through=B and C,color=white](O,Z)

    % Draw big circle

    % Draw lines
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=A and B,color=green](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=A and C,color=blue](O,Z)
    \tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=B and C,color=red](O,Z)

    % Draw points and label them
    \tkzLabelPoints[below left](B)
    \tkzLabelPoints[above left](C)
