

本の偶数ページで余白の注釈が行番号と衝突するという問題が少しあります。注釈がそのまま残るように余白を調整したいと思います。これは、外側の余白と偶数ページの marginparsep を増やす必要があることを意味すると思います。





Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.





ここでは 2 つの問題があります。

  1. marginparが、余白のメモを収容するのに必要な幅よりも狭くなっています。 を使用して幅を設定することで、これを修正できますgeometry
  2. 行番号と音符は同じ領域を争っています。

明らかな解決策が 2 つあります。1 つは、ページ番号を反転して、余白の注釈と反対になるようにすることです。




    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.

    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.








また、ノート内のテキストを両端揃えにしないことをお勧めします。幅が狭いため、この方法はうまく機能しないからです。 を使用するとragged2e役立つかもしれません。



\usepackage[marginparsep=7mm]{geometry}   %% adjust 7mm at will





Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.








Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



