

私は biblatex パッケージを使用しています。すべての bibitems をドキュメントに含めています。最初に著者 X (最初の著者の場合)、次に著者 2 番目などによって項目を並べ替え、次に年によって並べ替えたいのですが、簡単な方法はありますか?




  title = {The apple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor = {Straw Berry},
  author = {Straw Berry and Annoying Orange},
  year = {2015}
  title = {The pineapple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor = {Straw Berry},
  author = {Annoying Orange, Straw Berry and Tom Ato},
  year = {2015}
  title = {Thank your for your attention},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor = {Straw Berry},
  author = {Tom Ato, Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year = {2014}
  title = {Advance title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor = {Straw Berry},
  author = {Cu Cumber, Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year = {2014}
  title = {Fancy title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor = {Straw Berry},
  author = {Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year = {2013}


Hello world 



結果は次のようになります: 上記コードの結果

私がしたいのは、まずAnnoying Orangeが第一著者である年で並べ替え、次に年で並べ替え、さらにAnnoying Orangeが第二著者である年で並べ替え、次に年で並べ替える、というようにすることです。



これに対する完全に自動化されたソリューションは簡単に実装できるとは思いませんが、正規表現の Biber ウィザードがここで私を驚かせるかもしれません。したがって、このソリューションには多少の手作業が必要になります。

まず、名前リストを正しく入力する必要があります。つまり、すべての名前は で区切る必要がありますand。 と言わないでくださいauthor = {Cu Cumber, Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},。正しいのは ですauthor = {Cu Cumber and Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},bibtex ファイルに複数の著者を適切に記述するにはどうすればよいですか?

sortname = {Annoying Orange}次に、すべてのフィールドに追加する必要があります。

最後にトリックです。presort = {<n>},「Annoying Orange」が-番目の著者。

  title     = {The apple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Straw Berry and Annoying Orange},
  year      = {2015},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {The pineapple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Annoying Orange and Straw Berry and Tom Ato},
  year      = {2015},
  presort   = {1},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Thank your for your attention},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Tom Ato and Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2014},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Advance title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Cu Cumber and Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2014},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Fancy title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2013},
  presort   = {1},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},

次に、すべてのエントリが、まず役職Annoying Orange順に、次に年順に並べられます。



  title     = {The apple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Straw Berry and Annoying Orange},
  year      = {2015},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {The pineapple and the banana},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Annoying Orange and Straw Berry and Tom Ato},
  year      = {2015},
  presort   = {1},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Thank your for your attention},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Tom Ato and Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2014},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Advance title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Cu Cumber and Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2014},
  presort   = {2},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Fancy title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  editor    = {Straw Berry},
  author    = {Annoying Orange and Peachy Pear},
  year      = {2013},
  presort   = {1},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},
  title     = {Very Advance title},
  publisher = {Tomatopress},
  author    = {Cu Cumber and Peachy Pear and Annoying Orange},
  year      = {2015},
  presort   = {3},
  sortname  = {Annoying Orange},



