と でスライド プレゼンテーションを準備しました。プログラムは問題なく動作しますが、ちょっとした問題があります。各スライドの最後に薄れた番号が残ってしまいます。これを防ぐ方法はないでしょうか。以下に最小限の動作例を示します。beamer
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\begin{frame}{\color{cyan}\small Non-Lipschitzian Dynamics of a Continuous FTS Feedback Controller}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title = \small Overview of Problem]
\item\tiny\color{blue} The design of FTS continuous time-invariant feedback controllers involve non-Lipschitzian closed-loop dynamics
\item Such controllers will exhibit non-unique solutions in backward time, i.e., better robustness and good disturbance rejection
\item Such non-unique (revert time) solutions would violate uniqueness conditions for Lipschitz differential equations
\begin{pabox}{\small Statement of Problem}
\item\tiny\color{blue} Consider a rigid body rotating under the action of a mechanical torque about a fixed axis
\item Its equations of motion resemble those of a double integrator. States differ by $2n\pi$ (where $n = 0, 1, 2, \hdots$) in angular modes which correspond to the same physical configuration of the body.
\item State space for this system is $S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$ rather than $ \mathbb{R}^2$ \cite{Andronov}
\item Developing stabilizing controls for the double integrator on $ \mathbb{R}^2$ (translational double integrator) will lead to unwinding since the configuration space is actually $ \mathbb{R}$
\item This makes an interesting problem when designing feedback controllers for the rotational double integrator with anti-wind-up compensation
\item Discontinuous feedback controllers are practically infeasible due to the chattering they introduce because of plant uncertainties
\item They could also excite high-frequency dynamics when used in controlling lightly damped structures \cite{Baruh et. al.}
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\begin{frame}{\textcolor{cyan}{\small Non-Lipschitzian Dynamics of a Continuous FTS Feedback Controller}}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title = \small Overview of Problem]
\item\tiny\color{blue} The design of FTS continuous time-invariant feedback controllers involve non-Lipschitzian closed-loop dynamics
\item Such controllers will exhibit non-unique solutions in backward time, i.e., better robustness and good disturbance rejection
\item Such non-unique (revert time) solutions would violate uniqueness conditions for Lipschitz differential equations
\begin{pabox}{\small Statement of Problem}
\item\tiny\color{blue} Consider a rigid body rotating under the action of a mechanical torque about a fixed axis
\item Its equations of motion resemble those of a double integrator. States differ by $2n\pi$ (where $n = 0, 1, 2, \hdots$) in angular modes which correspond to the same physical configuration of the body.
\item State space for this system is $S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$ rather than $ \mathbb{R}^2$ \cite{Andronov}
\item Developing stabilizing controls for the double integrator on $ \mathbb{R}^2$ (translational double integrator) will lead to unwinding since the configuration space is actually $ \mathbb{R}$
\item This makes an interesting problem when designing feedback controllers for the rotational double integrator with anti-wind-up compensation
\item Discontinuous feedback controllers are practically infeasible due to the chattering they introduce because of plant uncertainties
\item They could also excite high-frequency dynamics when used in controlling lightly damped structures \cite{Baruh et. al.}
は既に および によってロードされているためtcolorbox