

この膨大な樹木のコレクションを、ページ番号が見えにくくならずに 1 ページに収めることができません。どなたか助けていただけませんか?


\Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]

 \rotatebox{90}{\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center), scale= 0.9]
\Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]
\end{tikzpicture} {\Huge$\Rightarrow$}
 \begin{tikzpicture} [baseline=(current bounding box.center),  scale=.45]   
    \Tree [.{\formula{\exists y [woman' (y) \land [\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow saw'(j, x)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall (x) [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (me) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (le) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:5) and +(south:5) .. (ue); 
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);
      \Tree [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow[\exists y [woman' (y) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall x [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\exists x [woman' (y) \land saw'(j, y)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists (y) [woman'(y) \land Q(y)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists (y) [P(y) \land Q(y)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (le) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (me) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:2) and +(south:2) .. (ue); 
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);

    \end{tikzpicture} }


まあ、そうすることもできますが、読者は感謝しないでしょう! 情報を提示する方法 (または A3 に印刷する方法) を再考したほうがよいでしょう。


\Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]

 \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
\Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]
\end{tikzpicture} {\Huge$\Rightarrow$}
 \begin{tikzpicture} [baseline=(current bounding box.center),  scale=.5]
    \Tree [.{\formula{\exists y [woman' (y) \land [\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow saw'(j, x)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall (x) [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (me) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (le) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:5) and +(south:5) .. (ue);
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);
      \Tree [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow[\exists y [woman' (y) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall x [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\exists x [woman' (y) \land saw'(j, y)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists (y) [woman'(y) \land Q(y)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists (y) [P(y) \land Q(y)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (le) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (me) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:2) and +(south:2) .. (ue);
\draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);




    \Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]

    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
      \Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]
    \end{tikzpicture} {\Huge$\Rightarrow$}
    \begin{tikzpicture} [baseline=(current bounding box.center),  scale=.5]
      \Tree [.{\formula{\exists y [woman' (y) \land [\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow saw'(j, x)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall (x) [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (me) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (le) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
      \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:5) and +(south:5) .. (ue);
      \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);
        \Tree [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow[\exists y [woman' (y) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]: (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall x [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)] : (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\exists x [woman' (y) \land saw'(j, y)] : t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists (y) [woman'(y) \land Q(y)]: (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists (y) [P(y) \land Q(y)]: (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man: \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m): (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (le) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m): (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y): (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (me) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
        \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le)..controls +(south west:2) and +(south:2) .. (ue);
        \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me)..controls +(south west:7) and +(south:7) .. (ne);






cfr さんの意見に同意します。1 ページにどのくらいの情報を入れるか、特に矢印の前に複製される一番上のツリーが本当に必要かどうかを再考したほうがよいかもしれません。


  • ツリー ノード内での改行。セマンティック ツリーでは、コロンで行を分割しました。ノード内で行を分割できるようにするには、 が必要です。また、行を分割した後にブランチが平坦になりすぎたり反転したりしないように をevery tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}調整しました。level distance
  • 余白。パッケージを使用して、すべての余白を 2.5 cm に縮小しましたgeometry
  • スケーリング。私はによって提供され、 によってロードされる の\scaleboxコマンドを使用しました。のオプションよりもうまく機能することがわかりました。graphicxtikzscaletikz




    \Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]

    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
      \Tree [.S  [.DP [.D some ] [.N woman ] ] [.VP  [.V hugs ] [.DP [.D every ] [.N man ] ]]]
    \end{tikzpicture} {\Huge$\Rightarrow$}
    \begin{tikzpicture} [baseline=(current bounding box.center), every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}, level distance = 9ex]
      \Tree [.{\formula{\exists y [woman' (y) \land [\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]:}\\\formula{(t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)]:}\\ \formula{(\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists y [woman' (y) \land Q(x)] :}\\ \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$:\\ \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):}\\\formula{(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow saw'(j, x)] :}\\\formula{t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]:}\\ \formula{(\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall (x) [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)]:}\\\formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man:\\ \formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):}\\\formula{(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m):}\\\formula{(t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (me) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m):}\\\formula{ (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y):}\\\formula{ (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (le) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
      \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le.south west)..controls +(south west:4) and +(south:5) .. (ue);
      \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me.south west)..controls +(-10,-3) and +(south:7) .. (ne);
        \Tree [.{\formula{\forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow[\exists y [woman' (y) \rightarrow hug'(y, x)]]:}\\\formula{ (t} \hspace{0.1cm}}  [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \forall x [man' (x) \rightarrow Q(x)]:}\\\formula{ (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \forall x [P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)] :}\\\formula{ (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda z. woman(z)$:\\\formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):}\\\formula{(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [.  \node (ne) {e$_{2}$}; ] [.{\formula{\exists x [woman' (y) \land saw'(j, y)] :}\\\formula{ t_{1} }} [.{\formula{\lambda Q. \exists (y) [woman'(y) \land Q(y)]:}\\\formula{ (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))} \hspace{0.1cm}} [. { \formula{\lambda P. \lambda Q. \exists (y) [P(y) \land Q(y)]:}\\\formula{ (e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})\rightarrow (\forall X(e_{3} \rightarrow X) \rightarrow X))}}   ] [.{$\lambda$ x. x is a man:\\\formula{(e_{4} \rightarrow t_{1})}}   ] ] [.{\formula{\lambda m. saw(k,m):}\\\formula{(e_{3} \rightarrow t_{1})} } [. \node (ue) {e$_{3}$}; ] [.{\formula{saw(k,m):}\\\formula{ (t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [.\node [circle,draw] (le) {k : e$_{2}$} ;] [.{\formula{\lambda x. saw(x,m):}\\\formula{ (e_{2}  \rightarrow t_{1}) \hspace{0.1cm}  }} [. {\formula{\lambda y\lambda x. saw(x,y):}\\\formula{ (e_{3} \rightarrow (e_{2}  \rightarrow  t_{1})} } ] [. \node [circle,draw] (me) {m : e$_{3}$} ; ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
        \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (le.west)..controls +(west:1) and +(south:1) .. (ue);
        \draw[semithick, dashed, ->] (me.south west)..controls +(-12,-3) and +(south:8) .. (ne);

