使いたいこのアプローチ出版の元の日付を含める。ただし、答えは のみで機能し@book
、 では機能しないようです@article
author = {David Hume},
editor = {David Fate Norton},
title = {A Treatise of Human Nature},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
year = 2000,
address = {Oxford},
options = {cmsdate=on},
origdate = {1739/1740}
AUTHOR = {Mori, Masahiro},
TITLE = {The Uncanny Valley},
TRANSLATOR = {MacDorman, Karl F. and Kageki, Norri},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Robotics \& Automation Magazine},
VOLUME = {19},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {98--100},
ORIGDATE = {1994},
OPTIONS = {cmsdate=on},
YEAR = {2012}
\DeclareCiteCommand{\citeyear} %lifted from biblatex.def
{% modified from here
}% to here
\cite{hume1739}, \cite{mori2012uncanny}
つまり、2012 年は Mori から欠落していることになります。
理想的には日付も逆にします。引用では「Mori 2012」、参考文献では「Mori Masahiro. 2012. ... (orig. 1994)」のように。
author = {David Hume},
editor = {David Fate Norton},
title = {A Treatise of Human Nature},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
year = 2000,
address = {Oxford},
options = {cmsdate=both},
origdate = {1739/1740}
AUTHOR = {Mori, Masahiro},
TITLE = {The Uncanny Valley},
TRANSLATOR = {MacDorman, Karl F. and Kageki, Norri},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Robotics \& Automation Magazine},
VOLUME = {19},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {98--100},
ORIGDATE = {1994},
OPTIONS = {cmsdate=both},
YEAR = {2012}
Book \autocite{hume1739} and article \autocite{mori2012uncanny}.