2 つの異なる環境で情報を使用して 2 つの列を作成しました\minipage
。次に、この 2 つの「列」に平行する画像を含めたいと思います。ミニページの内外に (折り返された) 図を含めようとしましたが、今のところ、隣り合っては機能せず、画像はミニページの下に表示されます。おそらく、これは環境に関係しているのでしょうadjust width
。隣り合う 3 つの「列」を作成し、2 つに情報、3 つ目に図を作成するには、どのような提案がありますか。
\usepackage[nochapters]{classicthesis} % Use the classicthesis style for the style of the document
\usepackage[LabelsAligned]{currvita} % Use the currvita style for the layout of the document
\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, urlcolor=Maroon, linkcolor=Maroon}
{\color{Maroon}\noindent\footnotesize\spacedallcaps{Personal Information}}\vspace{1.5pc}
\item[] \it{Nationality}
\item[] \it{Date of Birth}
\item[] \it{Adress}
\item[] \it{Mail / website}
\item[] \it{Phone}
\item[] French
\item[] 1 august 1981, Paris (FR)
\item[] Teststreet 1, 75013 Paris
\item[] \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]} / \href{http://www.test.com}{www.test.com}
\item[] 0000 00 000 000
\usepackage[nochapters]{classicthesis} % Use the classicthesis style for the style of the document
\usepackage[LabelsAligned]{currvita} % Use the currvita style for the layout of the document
\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, urlcolor=Maroon, linkcolor=Maroon}
{\color{Maroon}\noindent\footnotesize\spacedallcaps{Personal Information}}\vspace{1pc}
\item[] \it{Nationality}
\item[] \it{Date of Birth}
\item[] \it{Adress}
\item[] \it{Mail / website}
\item[] \it{Phone}
\item[] \hspace{3.5em} French
\item[] \hspace{3.5em} 1 august 1981, Paris (FR)
\item[] \hspace{3.5em} Teststreet 1, 75013 Paris
\item[] \hspace{3.5em} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]} / \href{http://www.test.com}{www.test.com}
\item[] \hspace{3.5em} +000 0000 0000
\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.2\textheight]{../Pictures/test.png}
\usepackage[nochapters]{classicthesis} % Use the classicthesis style for the style of the document
\usepackage[LabelsAligned]{currvita} % Use the currvita style for the layout of the document
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\color{Maroon}\footnotesize\spacedallcaps{Personal Information}} \\[1pc]
\textit{Nationality} & French \\[1ex]
\textit{Date of Birth} & 1 august 1981, Paris (FR) \\[1ex]
\textit{Address} & Teststreet 1, 75013 Paris \\[1ex]
\textit{Mail} / \textit{website} &
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]} / \href{http://www.test.com}{www.test.com} \\[1ex]
\textit{Phone} & +000 0000 0000
\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}% for vertical centering
\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.2\textheight]{example-image}