


    Look for this! \label{mylabel}

    What you are looking for would be so much easier to find if you knew 
    not only that it's on page \pageref{mylabel}, but also, that it's at 
    the \topbottom{mylabel} of the \leftright{mylabel} column. 

    How to do this?

私はそれ以来\pageref、ただし列の場合\leftrightは私の質問の 2 番目の部分に答えており、から までの実装を効果的に提案しています\columnref。しかし、最初の部分と については\topbottom、本当に役立つものは何も見つかりません。


hyperrefこれは/ の有無にかかわらず驚くほどうまく機能しますcleveref

% optional package for testing

% Solution: put *after* \usepackage{hyperref}, but *before* \usepackage{cleveref}
% ===============================================================================
    \zref@ifrefundefined{#1}{\PackageWarning{\string\refloc}{Location of `#1' on page \thepage \space  undefined}\textbf{???}}{%
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\ref@loc < 0pt}}{#3}{#4}%


% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/351172/30810
% ===============================================================================

% optional package for testing

% for example output only

    \label{mylabel1} 1 \lipsum[1]
    \label{mylabel2} 2 \lipsum[2]
    \label{mylabel3} 3 \lipsum[3]
    \label{mylabel4} 4 \lipsum[2]
    \label{mylabel5} 5 \lipsum[2]

    \label{mylabel6} 6 (line 23/46 =  top)

    \label{mylabel7} 7 (line 24/46 = bottom)

    \label{mylabel8} 8 \lipsum[2]
    \label{mylabel9} 9 \lipsum[2]

    What you are looking for is so much easier to find
    when you know that it's 
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel1} of the \leftright{mylabel1} column on page \pageref{mylabel1},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel2} of the \leftright{mylabel2} column on page \pageref{mylabel2},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel3} of the \leftright{mylabel3} column on page \pageref{mylabel3},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel4} of the \leftright{mylabel4} column on page \pageref{mylabel4},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel5} of the \leftright{mylabel5} column on page \pageref{mylabel5},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel6} of the \leftright{mylabel6} column on page \pageref{mylabel6},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel7} of the \leftright{mylabel7} column on page \pageref{mylabel7},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel8} of the \leftright{mylabel8} column on page \pageref{mylabel8},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabel9} of the \leftright{mylabel9} column on page \pageref{mylabel9},
        \item at the \topbottom{mylabelX} of the \leftright{mylabelX} column on page \pageref{mylabelX}.

    A test clevereference: \cref{mylabel1}
