tikz (xelatex を使用) で、タイトルと最大 4 つの箇条書き (中央の赤いボックスを除く) を含むボックスを含むフロー チャートを作成するにはどうすればよいでしょうか。私は、tikz に関するわずかな知識で、簡単なフロー チャートを作成しました (以下を参照)。ただし、ボックスの背景色を下端に向かってフェード アウトさせ、境界線も表示しないようにしたいと考えています (下端)。これを実現するにはどうすればよいでしょうか。
ボーナス: 下部のオーバーブレースを中央のボックスに向かって突き出すにはどうすればよいですか?
\usepackage{tikz, tikzscale} % to use flowchart + to scale
\tikzstyle{startstop} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=red!20]
\tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=blue!30]
\tikzstyle{process2} = [rectangle, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=orange!30]
\tikzstyle{process3} = [rectangle, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=green!30]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape, node distance=2cm] % mock flow chart
\node (start) [process, align=center] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro1) [process, right of=start, align=center, xshift=2cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro2) [process, right of=pro1, align=center, xshift=2cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro3) [process2, below of=start, align=center, yshift=-.5cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro4) [process2, below of=pro1, align=center, yshift=-.5cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro5) [process2, below of=pro2, yshift=-.5cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (main) [startstop, below of=pro4, yshift=-.5cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro6) [process3, below left=1cm and 1cm of main, align=center] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro7) [process3, below of=main, align=center] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro8) [process3, below right=1cm and 1cm of main, align=center] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro9) [process3, right of=pro8, align=center, xshift=2cm] {Title Bla Bla};
\draw [arrow] (start) -- (pro3);
\draw [arrow] (pro1.south) -- (pro3.north);
\draw [arrow] (pro1.south) -- (pro5.north);
\draw [arrow] (pro2.south) -- (pro5.north);
\draw [arrow] (pro2.south) -- (pro4.north);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, amplitude=10pt, raise=4pt}, yshift=-2cm] (pro3.south west) -- (pro5.south east);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=10pt, raise=4pt}, yshift=4cm] (pro6.north west) -- (pro9.north east);
次の MWE はあなたが取得したいものを提供します:
calligraphy,%had to be after lib. decorations.pathreplacing
node distance = 22mm and 11mm,
box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, thin,
minimum height=10mm, text width=32mm, align=center,
top color=#1!20, bottom color=#1!80,
anchor=south west
BC/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{% Braces Calligraphic
decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=6pt,
#2,% for mirroring of brace
very thick,
pen colour={gray}
] % mock flow chart
nodes, first row
\node (start) [box=blue] {\parbox{\hsize}{Title Bla Bla,
\item item 1
\item item 2
\item item 3
\node (pro1) [right=of start.south east,box=blue] {Title Bla Bla,
\item item 1
\item item 2
\node (pro2) [right=of pro1.south east,box=blue] {Title Bla Bla,
\item item 1
% nodes, second row
\node (pro3) [below=of start.south west,box=orange] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro4) [right=of pro3.south east,box=orange] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro5) [right=of pro4.south east,box=orange] {Title Bla Bla};
% nodes, third row
\node (pro6) [below=of pro4.south west,box=red,rounded corners] {Title Bla Bla};
% nodes, forth row
\node (pro7) [below=of pro3.west |- pro6.south,
box=green] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro8) [right=of pro7.south east,box=green] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro9) [right=of pro8.south east,box=green] {Title Bla Bla};
\node (pro10) [right=of pro9.south east,box=green] {Title Bla Bla};
% connections
\draw[-Stealth] (start) edge (pro3)
(pro1.south) edge (pro3) (pro1.south) edge (pro5)
(pro2.south) edge (pro4) (pro2.south) edge (pro5);
% braces
\draw[BC=2mm/mirror/0.500] (pro3.south west) -- (pro5.south east);
\draw[BC=2mm/ /0.375] (pro7.north west) -- (pro10.north east);