- 完全に両端揃えされた、完全な長方形の段落。
- 最後の行が 20% 以上 80% 未満で埋められている両端揃えの段落。
言い換えると、段落の最後の行が 20% 未満または 80% を超えて埋め込まれないようにし、代わりに完全に両端揃えにする必要があります。この効果は、\parfillskip 0pt
それらの段落 (のみ) に手動で追加することで実現できますが、私はまさにこれを自動化したいと考えています。
このドキュメントでは、良い例を 2 つと悪い例を 2 つ示します。
% Page setup
% Typography
\parindent 0pt
\textbf{I'm looking for settings
that produce either a)~a~perfect rectangle
or b)~a paragraph whose last line
is filled more than 20\% and less than 80\%.}
\section*{Good examples}
\textbf{My perfect paragraph is a~rectangle:}
\parfillskip 0pt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus lorem eget ultricies bibendum. Duis luctus felis arcu, sit amet dapibus orci imperdiet id. Duis ullamcorper tortor eget leo fringilla, a lacinia nisl pulvinar. Etiam id facilisis augue. Sed convallis tempus ex, sed accumsan justo pulvinar vitae. Sed id sapien leo. Aliquam posuere ex lacus, ut posuere metus ullamcorper eu. Duis a imperdiet nibh. Donec tincidunt hendrerit nulla, et convallis metus imperdiet nec. Pellentesque massa enim, pharetra in pulvinar a, efficitur nec lorem. Cras mattis ex lorem, et euismod ligula rhoncus. Aenean ultricies quis velit non faucibus.
\textbf{However, this is not always achievable (and that's fine):}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus lorem eget ultricies bibendum. Duis luctus felis arcu, sit amet dapibus orci imperdiet id. Duis ullamcorper tortor eget leo fringilla, a lacinia nisl pulvinar. Etiam id facilisis augue. Sed convallis tempus ex, sed accumsan justo pulvinar vitae. Sed id sapien leo. Aliquam posuere ex lacus, ut posuere metus ullamcorper eu. Duis a imperdiet nibh. Donec tincidunt hendrerit nulla, et convallis metus imperdiet nec. Pellentesque massa enim, pharetra in pulvinar a, efficitur nec lorem. Cras mattis ex lorem, et euismod ligula rhoncus.
\section*{Bad examples}
\textbf{This last line is too short:}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus lorem eget ultricies bibendum. Duis luctus felis arcu, sit amet dapibus orci imperdiet id. Duis ullamcorper tortor eget leo fringilla, a lacinia nisl pulvinar. Etiam id facilisis augue. Sed convallis tempus ex, sed accumsan justo pulvinar vitae. Sed id sapien leo. Aliquam posuere ex lacus, ut posuere metus ullamcorper eu. Duis a imperdiet nibh. Donec tincidunt hendrerit nulla, et convallis metus imperdiet nec. Pellentesque massa enim, pharetra in pulvinar a, efficitur nec lorem.
\textbf{The above can be fixed with}
\verb!\parfillskip 0pt plus 0.80\textwidth!
\textbf{but that doesn't help for the case below.}
\textbf{This last line should have been justified (note the small gap at the end):}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus lorem eget ultricies bibendum. Duis luctus felis arcu, sit amet dapibus orci imperdiet id. Duis ullamcorper tortor eget leo fringilla, a lacinia nisl pulvinar. Etiam id facilisis augue. Sed convallis tempus ex, sed accumsan justo pulvinar vitae. Sed id sapien leo. Aliquam posuere ex lacus, ut posuere metus ullamcorper eu. Duis a imperdiet nibh. Donec tincidunt hendrerit nulla, et convallis metus imperdiet nec. Pellentesque massa enim, pharetra in pulvinar a, efficitur nec lorem. Cras mattis ex lorem, et euismod ligula rhoncus. Aenean ultricies quis velit non ut faucibus.
\textbf{The above can be fixed with}
\verb!\parfillskip 0pt!
\textbf{but that doesn't help for the case below.}
解決策は以下から構成されます前文のみの調整段落の始めや終わりに特別なコマンドは必要ありません。いくつかの関連するケースと同様に、 の特別な接着剤で解決できることを願っています\parfillskip
- 最後の行がほぼ埋まってしまうのを避ける解決する長さ最後の行ではなく短いもの。
- 段落の最後の行の最小長さ解決する短い最後の行ではなく長さもの。
- 段落を長方形にするツールはありますか?最後の行が半分しか埋められていない場合でも、長方形を強く好み、結果として単語間のスペースが過度に広くなります。
下記のオリジナルのアプローチのように段落を単語ごとに分析するのではなく、ここでは段落の内容を含む の長さを計測し、その長さに基づいて、末尾の や を\hbox
(5%) に設定されています。圧縮されると思っていた行が、まったく新しい広い間隔の行に拡張された場合は、微調整が必要であることがわかります。デフォルト値を に設定すると、.0
問題は発生しませんが、代わりに、末尾の空白行を削除するために圧縮できる行が拡張され、空白行が後続の行の 20% を占めることになります。
yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yackity yack, yakity yack, yakity yack, paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
余白 = 1.7インチ
余白 = 1.9インチ
しかし、マクロが行うことは、段落を単語ごとに最後の 4 語になるまで繰り返します。次に、最後の単語のうち何語が を超える必要があるかを判断し、とともに.2\linewidth
内にそれらをまとめます。最後の 3 語が を超えない場合は、 内の 4 語すべてを使用します。\mbox
OP が要求していることは、テキストの長さを一挙に\sloppy
変更すること (ほとんどの場合、望ましくないこと) について話しているので、ほぼ確実に必要になります。そのため、これを追加しました。.4\linewidth
このアプローチが破綻する原因の 1 つは、前に開いたグループが段落の最後の 4 語内で終了する場合です。これは、たとえば\textit
\newcommand\fixit[1]{\fixithelp#1 \cr\relax}
\def\fixithelp#1 #2 #3 #4 #5\relax{\ifx \cr#5\finishup#1 #2 #3 #4\relax%
\else#1 \fixithelp#2 #3 #4 #5\relax\fi}
\def\finishup#1 #2 #3 #4\relax{ %
\ifdim\wd0>.2\linewidth\relax #1 #2 #3 \mbox{#4\hspace{.2\linewidth}}\else%
\setbox0=\hbox{#3 #4}%
\ifdim\wd0>.2\linewidth\relax #1 #2 \mbox{#3 #4\hspace{.2\linewidth}}\else%
\setbox0=\hbox{#2 #3 #4}%
\ifdim\wd0>.2\linewidth\relax #1 \mbox{#2 #3 #4\hspace{.2\linewidth}}\else%
\mbox{#1 #2 #3 #4\hspace{.2\linewidth}}%
paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce either:}
paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce overlylongwords:}
I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce overlylongwords:}
typesetting paragraphs, I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce I I I I:}
typesetting I want to \textit{ensure their last line} is neither
overly short nor overly long. To that end, I'm looking for settings that
produce I I I I:}