私はこの投稿と同じことを達成しようとしています: \section の *前* の改行を削除します しかし、提案された解決策では、セクション情報がヘッダーで使用できないという問題があります。サブセクションの前の改行を削除し、同時にヘッダーのセクション情報を保持する方法はありますか? 最初と最後のセクションとサブセクションの情報を含む連続ヘッダーが必要です。
基本的に、私はこれの組み合わせを実現しようとしています: セクションの前に改行なし、ヘッダー情報を保持
\usepackage[paperheight=8cm,paperwidth=7cm, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\textsection\thesection\markright{#1}~\textit{#1} %
%\chapter{zzz} omit this as page heading is open on chapter start pages by default
\section{Start} something about the beginning \section{This} and a bit more
\section{That} A longer section about something that has more than one paragraph.
It seems a bit odd to have a paragraph more distinguished than a section heading, so perhaps that is not needed. \section{Then} and sections will always be inline.
\section{Later} or at the start of a paragraph.
\section{Second Start} something about the beginning \section{Second This} and a bit more
\section{Second That} A longer section about something that has more than one paragraph.
It seems a bit odd to have a paragraph more distinguished than a section heading, so perhaps that is not needed. \section{Second Then} and sections will always be inline.
\section{Second Later} or at the start of a paragraph.
\section{Third} Is surprisingly different to the first two.