Beamer の環境で 2 つの列をまとめるのに問題があります\columns
Constrained parameters are stored in the file \texttt{work/models/func1.mdl}. Although there are some public parameters, by default all particle masses and external function calculated ones, by modifying the file it is posible to set all of them as public. \\ \pause
Finally, lets see some of the methods that can make the calculation of spectrum and of all public model constrains:\pause
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}\\
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName,\&spin2, \&charge3,\&cdim)}\footnote{The \& represents a memory direction in C}\\
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}\\
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}\\
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}\\
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}\\
%\item \texttt{findValW(name)}\\
%\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}\\
%\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}\\
%\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD,sort)}\\
- は
と を使用し\footnotetext[1]{}
て問題を回避できます。 \column[t]{0.5cm}
\begin{columns}[onlytextwidth, T]
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName, \&spin2, \&charge3, \&cdim)}\footnotemark
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}
\item \texttt{findValW(name)}
\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}
\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}
\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD, sort)}
\footnotetext{The \& represents a memory direction in C}
主なポイントは \footnote のようです。私はさらにいくつかの側面を変更しましたが、それは多かれ少なかれ美観上の理由からです。
Constrained parameters are stored in the file
\texttt{work/models/func1.mdl}. Although there are some public
parameters, by default all particle masses and external function
calculated ones, by modifying the file it is posible to set all of
them as public. \\ \pause Finally, lets see some of the methods that
can make the calculation of spectrum and of all public model
\item \texttt{sortOddParticles(txt)}\\
\item \texttt{qNumbers(pName,\&spin2, \&charge3,\&cdim)}%\footnote{The \& represents a memory direction in C}\\
\item \texttt{pdg2name(nPDG)}\\
\item \texttt{pMass(pName)}\\
\item \texttt{nextOdd(n,\&pMass)}\\
\item \texttt{findVal(name,\&val)}\\
\item \texttt{findValW(name)}\\
\item \texttt{printVar(FD)}\\
\item \texttt{printMasses(FD,sort)}\\
\item \texttt{printHiggsMasses(FD,sort)}\\
マニュアルには次のように書かれています。「まず警告しておきますが、脚注を使うのは通常、よい考えではありません。」[beameruserguide.pdf のセクション 12.12]