

ドキュメントを自動的に生成すると、エラーが発生しました。! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.このエラーはわかっていますが、私のケースではその理由がわかりません。最小限の例を以下に示します。

        \usepackage[left=72pt,right=72pt, top=72pt,bottom=72pt,bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry}
        \newcolumntype{R}[2]{>{\raggedleft \arraybackslash \hspace{0pt}}{#2}{#1}}
    \item item
                Own party & &  Unscored \\ [10pt]
                Own parties & & & \\ [10pt]
            Entity that is contracting on our behalf \\{Which of our own parties is contracting on our behalf?}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\ {Reference name used to refer to the own party}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ [10pt] 
                Counterparty & & & \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt] 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt] 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]

テキストの一部 (...) を削除するかFor example, you can hold a company、ヘッダーから parbox を削除するか、最初の longtable から parbox を削除すると、エラーは消えます。なぜこのようなことが起こるのか理解できません。ドキュメントの一部を削除せずにエラーを修正するにはどうすればよいですか?


更新 (コメントによる): 最後のテーブルがこのように見える場合 ( last なし\\)、小さな TEXT 変更後にはまだ機能しません。

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ \\ 
                Counterparty & & & \\ \\
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ 


\\ \\さらにスペースが必要な場合は、 .を使用しないでください\\[10pt]。行の後に 10pt を追加するようなものを使用してください。もちろん、ヘッダー定義では . を\fancyhead使用しtabular、 _ は使用しないでください_ longtable
