APA6 で回転したロングテーブルの配置

APA6 で回転したロングテーブルの配置

私はLaTeXでapa6パッケージを使って原稿を仕上げています。すべてが順調に進みましたが、1つだけ問題がありました。回転した長テーブル原稿の最後にあります。表自体は機能し、問題もありませんが、オプションを削除すると原稿の末尾に移動しませんfloatsintext(ただし、ドキュメント内の他のすべての表は移動します)。問題は、longtable がlandscape- 環境にあり、明らかに apa6 で認識されないことにあると思います。または同様のものlandscapeを に置き換えてsidewaystableも機能しません。この幅の広い longtable を apa6 で機能させる方法について、何かアドバイスがあればいただければ幸いです。


               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode


%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}









\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\









私は apa6 に詳しくありませんが、追加するパッケージの多くは自動的にロードされるのではないかと思います。ドキュメント内でそれらを 1 つずつコメント アウトして、エラーが発生するかどうか確認してみてください。

               ,man % manuscript mode; jou man doc
               ,babel, american % language
               %,biblatex % loads biblatex or apacite
               ,a4paper % default:letter
               % ,floatsintext
               ,noextraspace %removes extra space after headings; closer to "true" double-spacing
               %,helv % font in man mode
               %,tt   % font in man mode




%% for the huge table to avoid boxes warnings

\title{Longtables and Me: An Endless Story}







\caption{this is actually a table}




\rr \footnotesize %
Just a TableNote to explain some stuff.

                  S[table-format = 5]
                  S[table-format = 2.2]

\caption{Longitudinal Studies Included in the Analysis} \\
\label{tab:studies} \\

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\multicolumn{7}{l}{{\tablename} \thetable{} (continued)} \\[0.5ex]

1st Column  & {2nd Column}  &  3rd Column   &  4th Column  &  {5th Column}  &  6th  &  7th Column\\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry that is quite long and breaks to the next line   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr Another rather long Entry that also breaks and extends over two lines   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\

\rr An Entry   & 1234  & ABCD    & glo  & 99.32  & 2  & Some more text \\






