これは、回答済みの 2 つの質問に対するフォローアップです。biblatex で 2 種類の短縮リストを設定できますか?そしてbiblatex を使用して参考文献の関連エントリのタイトルのみを印刷できますか?
2 番目の質問に対する David Purton の回答では、arelatedtype={englishtitle}
と aを定義して\newbibmacro*{related:englishtitle}
、参考文献の Frege 項目に英語のタイトルを記載するという問題を解決しています。
以下の MWE では、略語リストのセクションに英語の Frege タイトルを印刷するための\usebibmacro{related:englishtitle}
author = {Frege, Gottlob},
title = {Über die Begriffsschrift des Herrn Peano und meine eigene},
booktitle = {Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Mathematisch-physische Klasse},
date = {1897},
pages = {361--378},
volume = {48},
related = {Frege1984h},
relatedtype = {englishtitle},
shorthand = {PCN},
author = {Frege, Gottlob},
title = {On Mr. Peano's Conceptual Notation and My Own},
date = {1984},
pages = {234--248},
crossref = {Frege1984},
author = {Frege, Gottlob},
title = {Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy},
date = {1984},
location = {Oxford},
publisher = {Blackwell},
translator = {Black, Max},
editor = {McGuinness, Brian},
shorthand = {CP},
author = {Moore, G. E.},
title = {The Nature of Judgment},
journaltitle = {Mind},
date = {1899},
volume = {8},
number = {30},
pages = {176--193},
shorthand = {NJ},
author = {Lewis, C. I.},
title = {A Survey of Symbolic Logic},
date = {1918},
location = {Berkeley, CA},
publisher = {University of California Press},
series = {Semicentennial publications of the University of California, 1868-1918},
shorthand = {SL}
editor = {Michael Beaney},
title = {The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy},
date = {2013},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
location = {Oxford},
% Main primary sources categories
test {\ifdefstring{\namepartfamily}{#2}}
test {\ifdefstring{\namepartgiven}{#3}}
\generateauthorcategory{moore}{Moore}{G.\bibnamedelimi E.}
% Filter for other, i.e., not main, primary sources
not category=byfrege %
and not category=bymoore %
% Check to distinguish primary from secondary sources
% Generating entries for the 3 abbreviations lists
% Sorting the abbreviations lists
\DeclareSortingTemplate{fregeabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{mainabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{moreabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\printtext{English title:}%
% Drivers for printing abbreviations lists
% Environment for abbreviation lists, to italicize by \emph the shorthands
% Titles for 4 parts of Bibliography: two main authors, other primary sources, secondary sources
Full details of these works are in the Bibliography.
\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Works of Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]{fregeabbrevs}
\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Works of Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]{mainabbrevs}
\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Other Primary Works}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore]{moreabbrevs}
\printbibliography[title={Works by Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]
\printbibliography[title={Works by Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]
\printbibliography[title={Other Primary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore]
\printbibliography[title={Secondary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=secondarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore]
- 「判断の性質」の後にピリオドがあるが、記号論理学の概観; どうすれば均一にカンマにできますか?
- タイトルの引用符の内側にコンマを表示させることはできますか?例: 「The Nature of Judgment」
ただし、後者では が\DeclareBibliographyDriver{moreabbrevs}
使用されています。 ; を定義して使用することも、どこでも を使用することもできます。どちらがよいかは、実際の参考文献に何が必要かによって異なります。そこにもカンマが必要な場合は; を使用し、そこにピリオドを残しておきたい場合は、他の場所で明示的に を使用する必要があります。\newunit