\usepackage{datenumber, ifthen, xparse}
\iow_new:N \g_journal_stream
\seq_new:N \g_journal_seq
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ newday }{ o }{
\seq_gput_right:Nx \g_journal_seq {
{ \arabic{day} }
{ \datedayname,~\today }
{ \IfValueTF{ #1 }{ #1 }{} }
\file_if_exist_input:n {\c_sys_jobname_str.jrn}
\int_compare:nNnT { \arabic{if_auxnewday_begun} } = { 1 }{
\end{ auxnewday}
\NewDocumentCommand{ \saveday }{ mmm }{
\int_compare:nNnT { #1 } = { \arabic{day} }{
\begin{ auxnewday }{#2}{#3}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ auxnewday } { mm }{
\textbf{ #2 }
\marginnote{ #1} \\
\iow_open:Nn \g_journal_stream { \c_sys_jobname_str.jrn }
\iow_close:N \g_journal_stream
\cs_new_protected:Nn \save_days: {
\seq_map_function:NN \g_journal_seq \__save_days:n
\cs_new_protected:Nn \__save_days:n {
\iow_now:Nn \g_journal_stream {
\saveday #1
\begin{newday}[A day]
\begin{newday}[Another day]
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ newday }{ o }{
\marginnote{ \datedayname,~\today } \\
今日、つまり 2019 年 2 月 25 日を入力したとします。その日の終わりにコードによってそのエントリの日付が変更されないようにするにはどうすればよいでしょうか。
\documentclass[justified, symmetric]{tufte-book}
\usepackage{ifoddpage, ifthen, xparse}
\usepackage[calc, showdow, english]{datetime2}
\DTMshortweekdayname{##4},\space% short weekday,
\DTMmonthname{##2}\nobreakspace% (full) Month
\number##3,\space% day,
\number##1% year
% Declare variables
\seq_new:N \g_journal_seq
\seq_new:N \g_journal_out_seq
\iow_new:N \g_journal_stream
\tl_new:N \l_journal_date_tl
% At the beginning of the run, read the lines of the `.jrn` file into a sequence.
% These are the dates. If the file can not be opened, it probably does not exist and we treat it as empty.
\cs_new:Npn \readjournaldates {
\ior_open:NnT \g_journal_stream { \c_sys_jobname_str.jrn } {
\ior_map_inline:Nn \g_journal_stream {
\seq_gput_right:Nn \g_journal_seq { ##1 }
\ior_close:N \g_journal_stream
% The main environment:
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ newday }{ O{} }{
% If the sequence \g_journal_seq is not empty yet, then we already saved a date
% for the current day. Save this day in `\l_journal_date_tl` and delete it from
% the sequence. Otherwise we have not saved anything yet, so we choose the current date.
\seq_gpop_left:NNF \g_journal_seq \l_journal_date_tl {
\tl_set:Nx \l_journal_date_tl {\today}
% Now we have to save the chosen date for the next run. First, only store it in the
% sequence `\g_journal_out_seq`, we only write it to the file at the end to avoid
% overwriting the file if something fails:
\seq_gput_right:NV \g_journal_out_seq \l_journal_date_tl
\textbf{ #1 }
\marginnote{\checkoddpage\ifoddpage \l_journal_date_tl \else\raggedleft \l_journal_date_tl \fi} \\
% At the end of the document, iterate over `\g_journal_out_seq` and write every entry into a line.
\iow_open:Nn \g_journal_stream { \c_sys_jobname_str.jrn }
\seq_map_inline:Nn \g_journal_out_seq {
\iow_now:Nn \g_journal_stream { #1 }
\iow_close:N \g_journal_stream
\begin{newday}[A day]
\begin{newday}[Yet another day]
\begin{newday}[A day]
\begin{newday}[Yet another day]
\begin{newday}[A day]
\begin{newday}[Yet another day]
\usepackage{datenumber, ifthen, xparse}
% Declare variables
\seq_new:N \g_journal_seq
\seq_new:N \g_journal_out_seq
\iow_new:N \g_journal_stream
\tl_new:N \l_journal_date_tl
% At the beginning of the run, read the lines of the `.jrn` file into a sequence.
% These are the dates. If the file can not be opened, it probably does not exists
% and we treat it as empty.
\cs_new:Npn \readjournaldates {
\ior_open:NnT \g_journal_stream { \c_sys_jobname_str.jrn } {
\ior_map_inline:Nn \g_journal_stream {
\seq_gput_right:Nn \g_journal_seq { ##1 }
\ior_close:N \g_journal_stream
% The main environment:
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ newday }{ O{} }{
% If the sequence \g_journal_seq is not empty yet, then we already saved a date
% for the current day. Save this day in `\l_journal_date_tl` and delete it from
% the sequence. Otherwise we have not saved anything yet, so we choose the current
% date.
\seq_gpop_left:NNF \g_journal_seq \l_journal_date_tl {
\tl_set:Nx \l_journal_date_tl {\datedayname,~\today}
% Now we have to save the choosen date for the next run. First, only store it in the
% sequence `\g_journal_out_seq`, we only write it to the file at the end to avoid
% overwriting the file if something fails:
\seq_gput_right:NV \g_journal_out_seq \l_journal_date_tl
\textbf{ #1 }
\marginnote{ \l_journal_date_tl } \\
% At the end of the document, iterate over `\g_journal_out_seq` and write every entry
% into a line
\iow_open:Nn \g_journal_stream { \c_sys_jobname_str.jrn }
\seq_map_inline:Nn \g_journal_out_seq {
\iow_now:Nn \g_journal_stream { #1 }
\iow_close:N \g_journal_stream
\begin{newday}[A day]
\begin{newday}[Yet another day]
最初にファイルをシーケンスに読み込む代わりに、 の各呼び出しで補助ファイルの 1 行を読み取ることができますnewday
。ただし、その場合、実行全体にわたって 1 つのファイル ハンドルを占有する必要があります。ファイルを 1 つのブロックで読み取ることにより、ファイル ハンドルをできるだけ早く解放できます。