

言語を翻訳したり、両方の言語の例を作成したりする必要がある場合に使用するコマンドを作成しようとしています。これまでに、テキストの周囲にボックスを作成し、各言語に 1 つずつ、合計 2 つの列を作成しました。


最初の 2 つのボックスでは機能しますが、次の章では、画像に示すように垂直方向にずれています。




\geometry{hmargin = 2cm}




\def\dtch{\( \dot{H} \)}
\def\dth{\( \dot{h} \)}
\def\dtcm{\( \dot{M} \)}
\def\dtm{\( \dot{m} \)}
\def\dtcy{\( \dot{Y} \)}
\def\dty{\( \dot{y} \)}



\title{Comprehensive Guide To Þerysh}

    Starting with the basics we have the conjugation for the verb to be.

    \biling{I am \\
        You are \\
        He is \\
        She is \\
        It is \\
        We are \\
        You are \\
        They are}%
        {À ty \\
        \dtcy\ ty \\
        Þi ty \\
        Þa ty \\
        Iss ty \\
        Jos ty \\
        Wos ty \\
        Ðè ty}

    The conjugation of the verb to be is the same for every person. It's important to notice that you singular form is a different word from a you plural form. Let's take a look in some examples of sentences:

        F \dty\ kn \textcolor{red}{bohw} ess, \dty\ ty ðróss! \\
        \dtch, \dtm\ cwaþ \textcolor{red}{ty} Bjorn. \\
        Iss ty h lajr \textcolor{red}{ganyst} \dty. \\
        À \textcolor{red}{valtur} portugsh. \\
        Þa \textcolor{red}{almie} þi. \\
        Ðè \textcolor{red}{svo} h kr. \\
        Jos \textcolor{red}{fint} mísk.}%
        {If you can \textcolor{red}{read} this, you're awesome! \\
        Hi, my name \textcolor{red}{is} Bjorn. \\
        It's a pleasure to \textcolor{red}{meet} you. \\
        I \textcolor{red}{speak} portuguese. \\
        She \textcolor{red}{loves} he. \\
        They \textcolor{red}{see} a car. \\
        We \textcolor{red}{listen} to music.}

    \chapter{The Present Tense}

    To form the \textsc{present tense} one simply conjugates the verb in its primal form to all persons to express the idea of an action or something that is currently going on or habitually performed, or a state that currently or generally exists. If one wants to say that someone eats, the verb to be conjugated is \textit{ctom}.

    \biling{À ctom \\
        \dtcy\ ctom \\
        Þi ctom \\
        Þa ctom \\
        Iss ctom \\
        Jos ctom \\
        Wos ctom \\
        Ðè ctom}%
        {I eat \\
        You eat \\
        He eats \\
        She eats \\
        It eats \\
        We eat \\
        You eat \\
        They eat}%


どのように揃えるのでしょうか? すでにそれを実行するパッケージ、コマンド、または環境はありますか? LuaLaTeX でコンパイルしています。




\geometry{hmargin = 2cm}




\def\dtch{\( \dot{H} \)}
\def\dth{\( \dot{h} \)}
\def\dtcm{\( \dot{M} \)}
\def\dtm{\( \dot{m} \)}
\def\dtcy{\( \dot{Y} \)}
\def\dty{\( \dot{y} \)}



\title{Comprehensive Guide To Þerysh}

    Starting with the basics we have the conjugation for the verb to be.

    \biling{I am \\
        You are \\
        He is \\
        She is \\
        It is \\
        We are \\
        You are \\
        They are}%
        {À ty \\
        \dtcy\ ty \\
        Þi ty \\
        Þa ty \\
        Iss ty \\
        Jos ty \\
        Wos ty \\
        Ðè ty}

    The conjugation of the verb to be is the same for every person. It's important to notice that you singular form is a different word from a you plural form. Let's take a look in some examples of sentences:

        F \dty\ kn \textcolor{red}{bohw} ess, \dty\ ty ðróss! \\
        \dtch, \dtm\ cwaþ \textcolor{red}{ty} Bjorn. \\
        Iss ty h lajr \textcolor{red}{ganyst} \dty. \\
        À \textcolor{red}{valtur} portugsh. \\
        Þa \textcolor{red}{almie} þi. \\
        Ðè \textcolor{red}{svo} h kr. \\
        Jos \textcolor{red}{fint} mísk.}%
        {If you can \textcolor{red}{read} this, you're awesome! \\
        Hi, my name \textcolor{red}{is} Bjorn. \\
        It's a pleasure to \textcolor{red}{meet} you. \\
        I \textcolor{red}{speak} portuguese. \\
        She \textcolor{red}{loves} he. \\
        They \textcolor{red}{see} a car. \\
        We \textcolor{red}{listen} to music.}

    \chapter{The Present Tense}

    To form the \textsc{present tense} one simply conjugates the verb in its primal form to all persons to express the idea of an action or something that is currently going on or habitually performed, or a state that currently or generally exists. If one wants to say that someone eats, the verb to be conjugated is \textit{ctom}.

    \biling{À ctom \\
        \dtcy\ ctom \\
        Þi ctom \\
        Þa ctom \\
        Iss ctom \\
        Jos ctom \\
        Wos ctom \\
        Ðè ctom}%
        {I eat \\
        You eat \\
        He eats \\
        She eats \\
        It eats \\
        We eat \\
        You eat \\
        They eat}%



デフォルト (中央) の配置では、テキストが望ましくない位置に移動します。



パッケージを使用する場合は、 stcolorboxは必要なく、 3つの引数でコマンドをminipage定義する代わりに、\biling\newtcolorbox{biling}{...}


\geometry{hmargin = 2cm}




\def\dtch{\( \dot{H} \)}
\def\dth{\( \dot{h} \)}
\def\dtcm{\( \dot{M} \)}
\def\dtm{\( \dot{m} \)}
\def\dtcy{\( \dot{Y} \)}
\def\dty{\( \dot{y} \)}


                          frame empty,
                          segmentation empty,
                          halign=flush right,
                          sidebyside gap=5mm,
                          sidebyside align=top

% \newcommand{\biling}[3]{%
%     \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!10!white,boxrule=0pt]
%         \begin{center}%
%             \begin{minipage}{#3cm}%
%                 \flushright%
%                 #1%
%             \end{minipage}\hspace{.5cm}%
%             \begin{minipage}{#3cm}%
%                 \flushleft%
%                 #2%
%             \end{minipage}%
%         \end{center}%
%     \end{tcolorbox}%
% }

\title{Comprehensive Guide To Þerysh}

    Starting with the basics we have the conjugation for the verb to be.

    I am \\
        You are \\
        He is \\
        She is \\
        It is \\
        We are \\
        You are \\
        They are
        À ty \\
        \dtcy\ ty \\
        Þi ty \\
        Þa ty \\
        Iss ty \\
        Jos ty \\
        Wos ty \\
        Ðè ty


    % \biling{I am \\
    %     You are \\
    %     He is \\
    %     She is \\
    %     It is \\
    %     We are \\
    %     You are \\
    %     They are}%
    % %
    %     {À ty \\
    %     \dtcy\ ty \\
    %     Þi ty \\
    %     Þa ty \\
    %     Iss ty \\
    %     Jos ty \\
    %     Wos ty \\
    %     Ðè ty}
    %     {2}

    The conjugation of the verb to be is the same for every person. It's important to notice that you singular form is a different word from a you plural form. Let's take a look in some examples of sentences:

     F \dty\ kn \textcolor{red}{bohw} ess, \dty\ ty ðróss! \\
        \dtch, \dtm\ cwaþ \textcolor{red}{ty} Bjorn. \\
        Iss ty h lajr \textcolor{red}{ganyst} \dty. \\
        À \textcolor{red}{valtur} portugsh. \\
        Þa \textcolor{red}{almie} þi. \\
        Ðè \textcolor{red}{svo} h kr. \\
        Jos \textcolor{red}{fint} mísk.

    If you can \textcolor{red}{read} this, you're awesome! \\
        Hi, my name \textcolor{red}{is} Bjorn. \\
        It's a pleasure to \textcolor{red}{meet} you. \\
        I \textcolor{red}{speak} portuguese. \\
        She \textcolor{red}{loves} he. \\
        They \textcolor{red}{see} a car. \\
        We \textcolor{red}{listen} to music.

    % \biling{
    %     F \dty\ kn \textcolor{red}{bohw} ess, \dty\ ty ðróss! \\
    %     \dtch, \dtm\ cwaþ \textcolor{red}{ty} Bjorn. \\
    %     Iss ty h lajr \textcolor{red}{ganyst} \dty. \\
    %     À \textcolor{red}{valtur} portugsh. \\
    %     Þa \textcolor{red}{almie} þi. \\
    %     Ðè \textcolor{red}{svo} h kr. \\
    %     Jos \textcolor{red}{fint} mísk.}%
    % %
    %     {If you can \textcolor{red}{read} this, you're awesome! \\
    %     Hi, my name \textcolor{red}{is} Bjorn. \\
    %     It's a pleasure to \textcolor{red}{meet} you. \\
    %     I \textcolor{red}{speak} portuguese. \\
    %     She \textcolor{red}{loves} he. \\
    %     They \textcolor{red}{see} a car. \\
    %     We \textcolor{red}{listen} to music.}
    %     {7}

    \chapter{The Present Tense}

    To form the \textsc{present tense} one simply conjugates the verb in its primal form to all persons to express the idea of an action or something that is currently going on or habitually performed, or a state that currently or generally exists. If one wants to say that someone eats, the verb to be conjugated is \textit{ctom}.

    À ctom \\
        \dtcy\ ctom \\
        Þi ctom \\
        Þa ctom \\
        Iss ctom \\
        Jos ctom \\
        Wos ctom \\
        Ðè ctom

        I eat \\
        You eat \\
        He eats \\
        She eats \\
        It eats \\
        We eat \\
        You eat \\
        They eat


    % \biling{À ctom \\
    %     \dtcy\ ctom \\
    %     Þi ctom \\
    %     Þa ctom \\
    %     Iss ctom \\
    %     Jos ctom \\
    %     Wos ctom \\
    %     Ðè ctom}%
    % %
    %     {I eat \\
    %     You eat \\
    %     He eats \\
    %     She eats \\
    %     It eats \\
    %     We eat \\
    %     You eat \\
    %     They eat}%
    % {3}

