本文の一部として脚注を印刷するコマンドはありますか? 脚注でこれを行う方法があったように思います。コマンドが配置された時点で、蓄積された注釈が本文に表示されます。しかし、私の文書では、脚注と文末脚注の両方なので、そのトリックは不可能になります。
In this paragraph, I wish to make footnotes.\footnote{Just like this.}
Then I wish to invoke a command to print them right there, as if they were
part of the main text, rather than at the bottom like usual.\endnote{I
also need to keep endnotes normal for a page of citations.}
The command must print the footnotes where it is called, and then clear
whatever register contained them, so that a fresh set of footnotes can be
entered.\footnote{Like this new one.}
So even on a single page, there could be several sets of footnotes,
inserted as normal text, just as if they were their own paragraphs or