3 列目の数式を中央に垂直に揃えたいと思います。つまり、数式は説明の 2 行の中央に垂直に配置する必要があります。
\caption{I would like the formulae here to be vertically at the middle of the two lines of text}
Name & Description & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Formula}\\
Ducks & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
Lions & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
\caption{Here the formulae are correctly aligned with the description, but I would like the name at the top like in the previous table}
Name & Description & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Formula}\\
Ducks & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
Lions & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
と、最初の列に対する 2 つの可能なハックを示します (実際の内容に合わせて調整する必要がある可能性があります)。
\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs, makecell}
Name & Description & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Formula}\\
\makecell[l]{Ducks\\\mbox{}} & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
\makecell[l]{Lions\\\mbox{}} & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
\raisebox{1.4ex}{Lions} & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
これはかなり難しいです。問題は、中央のボックスを 2 つの方法で揃えたいということです。左側はベースラインに沿って、右側は中央に沿ってです。このタイプのテーブルでは、通常、テーブルをネストするか (tabularx では困難)、コンテンツの一部を測定して \llap トリックを使用する必要があります。
複数のハンドルを持つ xcoffins に基づく表形式のコードがここにありません...
\caption{I would like the formulae here to be vertically at the middle of the two lines of text}
Name & Description & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Formula}\\
&\leavevmode\llap{\makebox[\colA][l]{Ducks}}Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
&\leavevmode\llap{\makebox[\colA][l]{Lions}}Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines and on one more line and on one more line and on one more line &
%Only for show some coffin code:
\SetVerticalCoffin\CoffinB{\dimexpr \textwidth-\CoffinWidth\CoffinA-\CoffinWidth\CoffinC-6\tabcolsep}{\noindent Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines and on one more line and on one more line and on one more line}
\caption{I would like the formulae here to be vertically at the middle of the two lines of text}
Name & Description & Formula \\
Ducks & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
Lions & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
Name & Description & Formula \\
Ducks & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
Lions & Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines &
中央の列のセルのテキストの行数が不定の場合、または数式が 1 行しかない場合は、結果が悪くなります。このような場合の解決策としては、multirow
最初の列で を使用し、それらのセルがまたがる列の数を手動で調整し、2 番目の列で垂直中央にベースラインを設定することが考えられます。
\usepackage{booktabs, multirow, tabularx}
\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} % <---
\caption{I would like the formulae here to be vertically at the middle of the two lines of text}
Name & Description & Formula \\
\multirow{-6}{*}{Ducks} % <--- manually adjusted
& \lipsum[66] & A=\dfrac{B}{C}\\
または、@Bernard の回答で提案されている解決策を使用します。
可能性を完全に把握するために、私は以下の助けを借りてタイプセットした表を掲載します。cals. を使用すると、このような配置を簡単に行うことができますcalstable
。OP のテーブルを作成するために厳密に必要ではないコードを追加する左側と右側のベアリングを削除しました。
\usepackage{cals, caption, amsmath}
\caption{I would like the formulae here to be vertically at the middle of the two lines of text}
% Defining columns relative to each other and relative to the margins
% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.8pt} % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@cs@width{0pt} % Inside rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\bb{\ifx\cals@borderB\relax % Botton border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderB\relax\fi}
\def\lp{\ifdim\cals@paddingL=0.0pt\relax % Left padding switch (off-on)
\else \setlength{\cals@paddingL}{0pt}\fi}
\def\rp{\ifdim\cals@paddingR=0.0pt\relax % Right padding switch (off-on)
\else \setlength{\cals@paddingR}{0pt}\fi}
% R1H1
\alignL\cell{Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines}
\alignL\cell{Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines and on one more line and on one more line and on one more line}
\alignL\cell{Something which goes on two lines, something which goes on two lines and on one more line and on one more line and on one more line}
\rp\alignR\cell{\vfil $D=\dfrac{E}{F}$}\rp