中央に 2 つの小さなマークがある水平線である同上線を描きます。
2 回目の試みは、\dittotikzA
3 回目の試みは、\dittotikzB
\draw (0,0) sin (1*\x,\y) cos (2*\x,0) sin (3*\x,-\y) cos (4*\x,0);
\draw[xshift=-.2ex, bend right=20] (2*\x-.5,-.5) edge (2*\x+.5,.5);
\draw[xshift=.2ex, bend right=20] (2*\x-.5,-.5) edge (2*\x+.5,.5);
\NewDocumentCommand\dittotikzB{ s O{1em} m }{%
% #1 = starred means horizontal line along entire width, unstarred means no line (only ditto marks)
% #2 = minimum width
% #3 = string to use for calculating width
\xfactor = \w / 4 * 1pt/1ex;
\yfactor = .175;
\IfBooleanT{#1}{% starred
\draw (0,0) sin (1\xfactor, \yfactor) cos (2\xfactor, 0) sin (3\xfactor, -\yfactor) cos (4\xfactor, 0);
\draw[xshift=-.2ex, bend right=20] (2\xfactor - .5, -.5) edge (2\xfactor + .5, .5);
\draw[xshift=.2ex, bend right=20] (2\xfactor - .5, -.5) edge (2\xfactor + .5, .5);
\NewDocumentCommand\dittoLatex{ s O{1em} m }{%
% #1 = starred means horizontal line along entire width, unstarred means no line (only ditto marks)
% #2 = minimum width
% #3 = string to use for calculating width
\IfBooleanTF{#1}{% starred
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
blah blah Test blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah Testing testing blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{} blah blah\\
blah blah Test blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah Testing testing blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{} blah blah\\
乗算記号を忘れました。4\xfactor は 4*\xfactor ではありません。
\NewDocumentCommand\dittotikzB{ s O{1em} m }{%
% #1 = starred means horizontal line along entire width, unstarred means no line (only ditto marks)
% #2 = minimum width
% #3 = string to use for calculating width
\xfactor = \w / 4 * 1pt/1ex;
\yfactor = .175;
\IfBooleanT{#1}{% starred
\draw (0,0) sin (1*\xfactor, \yfactor) cos (2*\xfactor, 0) sin (3*\xfactor, -\yfactor) cos (4*\xfactor, 0);
\draw[xshift=-.2ex, bend right=20] (2*\xfactor - .5, -.5) edge (2*\xfactor + .5, .5);
\draw[xshift=.2ex, bend right=20] (2*\xfactor - .5, -.5) edge (2*\xfactor + .5, .5);
blah blah Test blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah Testing testing blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*[10em]{} blah blah\\