表のセルの垂直方向の中央揃えに関する回答が何十件もあったにもかかわらず、手で折り返された複数行のセルの同じ行にあるセルの垂直方向の中央揃えという、一見単純なニーズに対する解決策を見つけることができませんでした (私のせいです)。
\centering Column 1 & Column 2\tabularnewline\hline
2 lines vertically centered & This cell contains more than one line of automatically wrapped text. \tabularnewline\hline
Fail of vertical centering & \methoda{Hand-wrapped\\ multiline\\ method A} \tabularnewline\hline
Vert. center. fail & \methodb{Hand-wrapped}{multiline}{method B} \tabularnewline\hline
Fail of vertical centering & \methodc{Hand-wrapped multiline\\ method C\\ too much padding} \tabularnewline\hline
Vert. center. OK & \methodd{Hand-wrapped multiline\\ method D\\ too much padding} \tabularnewline\hline
Success column 1, fail column 2 & \methoddfix{Hand-wrapped multiline\\ method Dfix\\ cannot remove\\ bottom padding} \tabularnewline\hline
Just a last row & Just a last row \tabularnewline\hline
を使用しており、XeLaTeX でコンパイルされています。multirow
と2 番目の列のタイプがある場合p
With a multicolumn around the automatically wrapped columns:
some automatically wrapped text & \makecell[cc]{Some \\ manually \\ linebroken \\ text \\ over multiple lines}\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Some \\ manually \\ linebroken \\ text \\ over multiple lines\end{tabular}\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{0.33\linewidth}}{some longer but also automatically wrapped text}\\ \hline
With a multicolumn around the manually wrapped columns:
some automatically wrapped text & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{0.33\linewidth}}{\makecell[cc]{Some \\ manually \\ linebroken \\ text \\ over multiple lines}}\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & \multicolumn{1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{0.33\linewidth}}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Some \\ manually \\ linebroken \\ text \\ over multiple lines\end{tabular}}\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & some longer but also automatically wrapped text\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & some longer but also automatically wrapped text\\ \hline
some automatically wrapped text & some\newline automatically wrapped text with a\newline few \newline manual linebreaks\\ \hline
manual \newline linebreak & more text here\\