[横向き] 表の行と列に自動的に番号を付ける方法

[横向き] 表の行と列に自動的に番号を付ける方法

横向きの表を、行に自動番号付けし、列にサブ番号付けするタイプセットをしようとしています。この答え行に番号を付けようとしましたが、行ヘッダー番号しか取得されません。列には各行に対応するサブ番号を付けたいと思います (例: 1. 行ヘッダー 1a. 約 2 行の ...、1b. ...、1c. ...)。MWE はドキュメントとして必要な書式の一部を保持するため、一部の要素 (横向きの表など) は必要ない場合もあります。私の試みでは、サブ番号を取得するのではなく、行をまたいでカウントが継続されました (例: 最初の行に 1. 2. 3. 4. が付いて、2 行目は 5 から始まります)。私は LaTeX の初心者で、これが最初の投稿なので、これが明らかであったり、他の場所で回答を見逃していたり​​したら申し訳ありません。




\caption{An Appropriate Table Title}
\multicolumn{1}{>{\makebox[3em][r]{}}l}{}   & column header & column header & column header\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
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row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\






\newcounter{colcount}[rowcount]% auto reset

\caption{An Appropriate Table Title}
\multicolumn{1}{>{\makebox[3em][r]{}}l}{}   & column header & column header & column header\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header  & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
