unhboxing が垂直モードを無視し、unvboxing が水平モードを無視するのはなぜでしょうか?
- どちらも最初の質問のテキストを配信します
- 垂直モードでの
最初の質問のテキストは次の 2 つの画像にも示されています。これらは MWE をコンパイルした結果です。
\bf The {\tt\string\hbox} in box-register {\tt\string\MyBox} is:\hfill\break
\tt\string\hbox\string{\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %
\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box1a\string}\string\hbox\string{box1b\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %
\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box2a\string}\string\hbox\string{box2b\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %
\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box3a\string}\string\hbox\string{box3b\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ %
\string}\char37 \hfill
\noindent{\bf In vertical mode I expect boxes to be placed atop/below each
other no matter if the boxes to be placed themselves are horizontal or vertical
Thus in vertical mode I expect from {\tt\string\unhcopy}ing the {\tt\string\hbox} held in
box-register {\tt\string\MyBbox} that the three {\tt\string\vbox}es it contains are
placed atop/below each other:}\bigskip
\bigskip\noindent{\bf But in vertical mode from {\tt\string\unhcopy}ing I
get the three vertical boxes placed to the left/right of each other, with {\tt\string\parindent}-glue
at the left of the leftmost box:}\bigskip
\bigskip\noindent{\bf Just as if I did {\tt\string\box} the {\tt\string\hbox}
in horizontal mode:}\bigskip
\bigskip\noindent{\bf Why? Where am I wrong in my understanding of the workings of {\tt\string\unhbox}/{\tt\string\unhcopy}?}
\bf The {\tt\string\vbox} in box-register {\tt\string\MyBox} is:\hfill\break
\string\vbox\string{\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \string\hbox\string{\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box1a\string}%
\string\hbox\string{box1b\string}\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \string\hbox\string{\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box2a\string}%
\string\hbox\string{box2b\string}\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \string\hbox\string{\string\vbox\string{\string\hbox\string{box3a\string}%
\string\hbox\string{box3b\string}\string}\string}\char37 \hfill\break
\null\ \ \ \ \ \string}\char37 \hfill
\noindent{\bf In horizontal mode I expect boxes to be placed left/right to each other no
matter if the boxes to be placed themselves are horizontal or vertical boxes.\hfill\break
Thus in horizontal mode I expect from {\tt\string\unvcopy}ing the {\tt\string\vbox} held in
box-register {\tt\string\MyBbox} that the three {\tt\string\hbox}es it contains are placed
left/right to each other, with {\tt\string\parindent}-glue at the left of the leftmost
\bigskip\noindent{\bf But in horizontal mode from {\tt\string\unvcopy}ing
I get the three horizontal boxes placed atop/below each other:}\bigskip
\bigskip\noindent{\bf Just as if I did {\tt\string\box} the {\tt\string\vbox} in vertical mode:}\bigskip
\bigskip\noindent{\bf Why? Where am I wrong in my understanding of the workings of {\tt\string\unvbox}/{\tt\string\unvcopy}?}
同じ長さの多数の行を含むボックス レジスタ\MyBox
そのボックス レジスタを使用すると、単一の行がページ間で分割されない垂直ボックスが生成されます。
\tmpcnt=0 %
\loop\advance\tmpcnt by 1 \hbox to 3cm{Line:\hfill\number\tmpcnt.}\ifnum\tmpcnt<100 \repeat
\tmpcnt=0 %
\loop\advance\tmpcnt by 1 \hbox to 3cm{Line:\hfill\number\tmpcnt.}\ifnum\tmpcnt<100 \repeat
\tmpcnt=0 %
\advance\tmpcnt by 1 %
\null\hfill\hbox to 3cm{Line:\hfill\number\tmpcnt.}\break
\ifnum\tmpcnt<100 \repeat