\pgfdeclarelayer{bg} % declare background layer
\pgfsetlayers{bg,main} % set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy using outlines={rectangle, width=4.5cm, height=3cm, magnification=4, connect spies,every spy on node/.append style={thin}},hide/.style={opacity=1}]
\draw circle (8) node[yshift=8.8cm,align=center] {};
\draw circle (8.2) node {};
\draw (-5,7.4) -- (5,7.4);
%\begin{pgfonlayer}{bg} % select the background layer
\spy [black] on (-3.4,7.4) in node (spyleft) [left] at (-0.5,4.5);
%\begin{pgfonlayer}{main} % select the main layer
\draw[line width=2pt,color=blue] (-3.3,4.5) -- (-1.35,4.5) -- (-1.35,5.35) -- cycle;
\pgfdeclarelayer{fg} % declare foreground layer
\pgfsetlayers{main,fg} % set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy using outlines={rectangle, width=4.5cm, height=3cm, magnification=4, connect spies,every spy on node/.append style={thin}},hide/.style={opacity=1}]
\draw circle (8) node[yshift=8.8cm,align=center] {};
\draw circle (8.2) node {};
\draw (-5,7.4) -- (5,7.4);
\spy [black] on (-3.4,7.4) in node (spyleft) [left] at (-0.5,4.5);
\begin{pgfonlayer}{fg} % select the main layer
\draw[line width=2pt,blue] (-3.3,4.5) -- (-1.35,4.5) -- (-1.35,5.35) -- cycle;