% !TeX program = lualatex
\usepackage{csquotes} %for single quoatation mark
%for arc and angles
\usetikzlibrary{calc, angles}
path C, C';
C = subpath(2,0) of fullcircle rotated 45 scaled 640;
C' = C scaled 1.02;
numeric p[];
p1 = 1/8;
p2 = 2/8;
p3 = 3/8;
p.t = 5/8;
p.tt = 6/8;
p.ttt = 7/8;
p.n = 9/8;
p.l = 10/8;
p.zz = 13/8;
for t= 1/64 step 1/64 until 3/64: drawdot point t of C' withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor
for t= 29/64 step 1/64 until 35/64: drawdot point t of C' withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor
for t= 61/64 step 1/64 until 67/64: drawdot point t of C' withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor
for t= 89/64 step 1/64 until 95/64: drawdot point t of C' withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor
for t=116/64 step 1/64 until 119/64: drawdot point t of C' withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor
forsuffixes $=1,2,3,t,tt,ttt,n,l,zz:
draw point p$ of C -- point p$ of C' withcolor 2/3 blue;
label.top("$x_{" &
if str $ = "tt" : "t+1"
elseif str $ = "ttt": "t+2"
elseif str $ = "zz" : "n+l-1"
else: str $ fi
& "}$", point 1 of C') rotated (45-45*p$);
draw C;
vardef mark(suffix a, b)(expr s, T) =
save arc; path arc;
arc = subpath(p.a, p.b) of C scaled s;
interim ahangle := 180; interim ahlength := 5;
drawdblarrow arc withcolor 2/3 green;
save pp; picture pp;
pp = thelabel(T rotated angle direction 1/2 of arc, point 1/2 of arc);
unfill bbox pp; draw pp;
mark(1, t, 0.95, textext("$B_1$"));
mark(2, tt, 0.90, textext("$B_2$"));
mark(3, ttt, 0.85, textext("$B_3$"));
mark(n, zz, 0.95, textext("$B_k$"));
\caption{Circular Block Bootstrap}