カスタムクラスを使用したタイトルの \vbox がいっぱいです

カスタムクラスを使用したタイトルの \vbox がいっぱいです

現在、FPSAC に論文を送信しようとしています。 ここまでは順調ですが、次の警告が表示されます。

Overfull \vbox (3.26552pt too high) has occurred while \output is active

どこにそれが出現するかはわかっています。タイトルです。クラスは次のとおりです (提出の要件により変更できません)。

% Copyright 2018 Nicholas Beaton

\ProvidesClass{FPSAC2021}[2020/09/02 FPSAC 2021 Proceedings class]

\newif \if@submission
\global \@submissionfalse
  \global \@submissiontrue

\newif \if@revision
\global \@revisionfalse
  \global \@submissiontrue
  \global \@revisiontrue

\newif \if@finalversion
  \global \@submissiontrue
  \global \@revisiontrue
  \global \@finalversiontrue








% \setlength \textheight{56pc}
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% \setlength \dbltextfloatsep{13\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 4\p@}
% \setlength \parskip{\z@ \@plus 1\p@}
% \setlength \parindent{10\p@}
% \setlength \topsep{4\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 1\p@}


% pulling the title information from source
\def \title{\@ifnextchar[{\@gettitletwo}{\@gettitleone}}
\def \@gettitleone#1{\@gettitletwo[#1]{#1}}
\def \@gettitletwo[#1]#2{{
  \gdef \@title{#2}
  \def \\{\unskip \space \ignorespaces}
  \gdef \@titlehead{#1}

\newif \if@marksrequired
\newcommand \addressmark[1]{%
\global \@marksrequiredfalse
\gdef \and{\unskip \space \@authorand \space \ignorespaces}
\gdef \@authorand{and}

% pulling the author information from source
\def \author{\@ifnextchar[{\@getauthortwo}{\@getauthorone}}
\def \@getauthorone#1{\@getauthortwo[#1]{#1}}
\def \@getauthortwo[#1]#2{{
  \gdef \@author{#2}
  \def \\{\unskip \space \ignorespaces}
  \gdef \@authorhead{#1}

% pulling address information from source
\def \address{\@getaddress}
\def \@getaddress#1{{
  \gdef \@address{#1}

\newif \if@keywordsgiven
% pulling keywords information from source
\def \keywords{\@getkeywords}
\def \@getkeywords#1{{
  \global \@keywordsgiventrue
  \gdef \@keywords{#1}

\def \@received{\relax}
\newcommand \received[1]{
  \gdef\@received{Received #1}
\def \@revised{\relax}
\newcommand \revised[1]{
  \gdef\@revised{revised #1}
\def \@accepted{\relax}
\newcommand \accepted[1]{
  \def\@accepted{accepted #1}

\newif \if@abstractgiven
\def \@abstract{\relax}
\long\def \abstract#1{
  \global \@abstractgiventrue
  \long\gdef \@abstract{#1}

\newif \if@resumegiven
\def \@resume{\relax}
\long\def \resume#1{
  \global \@resumegiventrue
  \long\gdef \@resume{#1}

\def \@resumetitle{\relax}
\long\gdef \@resumetitle{Abstract}
\long\def \resumetitle#1{
  \long\gdef \@resumetitle{#1}

\def \@articlenumber{YY}
\def \articlenumber#1{\gdef \@articlenumber{#1}}

%%%%%%% BIBLATEX STUFF %%%%%%%

%\renewbibmacro{in:}{. In:}
%\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\textsc{url}: \href{#1}{#1}}
%\DeclareFieldFormat{doi}{\textsc{doi}: \href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{#1}}


\let \pagenumber=\@gobble

\AtBeginDocument{\gdef \@thefirstpage{\thepage}}

\long \gdef \@firsthead{\parbox{\textwidth}{\footnotesize \textit{S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire} XX (2021) \hfill \textit{Proceedings of the 33$^\text{rd}$ Conference on Formal Power} \newline Article \#\@articlenumber, \pageref*{LastPage} pp. \hfill \textit{Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Ramat Gan)}}}

\def \ps@first{
  \def \@evenhead{\normalfont \@firsthead \hss}
  \def \@oddhead{\normalfont \@firsthead \hss }

\global \@twosidetrue

\def \ps@journal{
  \let \@mkboth \@gobbletwo
  \def \@evenhead{
    \def \thanks####1{\relax}%
    \small \thepage \hfill \textit{\@authorhead}
  \def \@oddfoot{}
  \def \@oddhead{
    \small \textit{\@titlehead} \hfill \thepage
  \def \@evenfoot{}

\renewcommand \maketitle{
  \renewcommand \thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}


\newcommand \printkeywords{
  \small \noindent \textbf{Keywords:} \@keywords \par

    \leftmargin 0pt

    \leftmargin 25pt
    \rightmargin 25pt

\def \@maketitle{
    \null % this is a very annoying way to add space before the title
    {\centering \hyphenpenalty=\@M \LARGE \@title \par}
    {\centering \large \@author \par}
%    {\centering \small \itshape \@address \par}
    \begin{abstractsp} {\small \itshape \@address \par} \end{abstractsp}
%    {\small \itshape \@address \par}
%    \vspace{6\p@}
%    \if@submission{\small{\@received}}\fi%
%    \if@revision{\small{; \@revised}}\fi%
%    \if@finalversion{\small{; \@accepted}}\fi%
%    \if@submission{\small{.}\vspace{0\p@}}\fi
%    % \hrule \@height 1\p@

\def \@makeabstract{
    \if@abstractgiven{\noindent{\textbf{Abstract.} \@abstract \par}}\fi
    \if@resumegiven{\noindent{\textbf{\@resumetitle.} \@resume \par}}\fi
  % \vspace{8\p@}
  % \hrule \@height 1\p@



\long \def \@makecaption#1#2{%
  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa = 0pt
    \def \thistype{#1}
    \def \thistype{#1:}
  \vskip \abovecaptionskip%
  \sbox \@tempboxa{\textbf{\thistype} #2}%
  \ifdim \wd \@tempboxa > \capsize%
      \textbf{\thistype} #2 \par
    \global \@minipagefalse%
    \hb@xt@ \hsize{\hfil \box\@tempboxa \hfil}%
  \vskip \belowcaptionskip%

\newcommand \acknowledgments{\section*{Acknowledgments}}
\newcommand \acknowledgements{\section*{Acknowledgements}}
\newcommand \noabstract{\printkeywords}

% end of file 




\title{A new order on integer partitions}

\author{Étienne Tétreault \thanks{\href{mailto: [email protected]}{[email protected]}.}\addressmark{1}}

\address{\addressmark{1}Département de mathématiques, Université du Québec à Montréal}


\abstract{Considering Schur positivity of differences of plethysms of homogeneous symmetric functions, we introduce a new relation on integer partitions. This relation is conjectured to be a partial order, with its restriction to one part partitions equivalent to the classical Foulkes conjecture. We establish some of the properties of this relation via the construction of explicit inclusion of modules whose characters correspond to the plethysms considered. We also prove some stability properties for the number of irreducible occurring in these modules as $n$ grows.}

\keywords{Representation theory, plethysm, symmetric group}




クラスを変更せずにこれを解消するにはどうすればよいか、誰か知っていますか? カスタム クラスについて十分に理解していないため、何が起こるかを正確に理解できません...


問題はタイトルではなくヘッダーから発生していますが、これは問題ありません。クラスを変更せずに、プリアンブルでヘッドの高さを拡張すると、警告は表示されなくなります。(xcolor パッケージをロードする必要はありません。クラスに既に含まれています)。




%\usepackage{ytableau} % not needed for this  MWE
%\usepackage{extpfeil} % not needed for this  MWE
%\usepackage{bm} % not needed for this  MWE

%\usepackage{xcolor}  % not needed, already include in the class

\usepackage{kantlipsum} %dummy text

\setlength{\headheight}{16pt} % <<<< added

\title{A new order on integer partitions}

\author{Étienne Tétreault \thanks{\href{mailto: [email protected]}{[email protected]}.}\addressmark{1}}

\address{\addressmark{1}Département de mathématiques, Université du Québec à Montréal}


\abstract{Considering Schur positivity of differences of plethysms of homogeneous symmetric functions, we introduce a new relation on integer partitions. This relation is conjectured to be a partial order, with its restriction to one part partitions equivalent to the classical Foulkes conjecture. We establish some of the properties of this relation via the construction of explicit inclusion of modules whose characters correspond to the plethysms considered. We also prove some stability properties for the number of irreducible occurring in these modules as $n$ grows.}

\keywords{Representation theory, plethysm, symmetric group}








Overfull \vbox (3.26552pt too high) has occurred while \output is active


