\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
% Must have features for my tables
% ________________________________
% Package for \strutlongstacks{T} forced linebreak method
% Package for \makecell forced linebreak method
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Calender for the rest of the year} \\
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Homework} & \textbf{Goal} \\
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Goal for 1 is to... \\ Goal for 2 is to... \end{tabular} \\ % Text exceeds cell when limit is reached
Week 2 & Homework 3 and 4 & \vtop{\hbox{\strut Goal for 3 is to...}\hbox{\strut Goal for 4 is to...}} \\ % Force elongates cell on itself when limit is exceeded
Week 3 & Homework 5 and 6 & \Centerstack{Goal for 5 is to... \\ Goal for 6 is to...} \\ % Text exceeds cell when limit is reached
Week 4 & Homework 7 and 8 & \begin{flushleft} Goal for 7 is to... \\ Goal for 8 is to... \end{flushleft} \\ % Works for long text, too, only for column types of "|m{}|", though, not for regular "|c|"
Week 5 & Homework 9 and 10 & \parbox{3cm}{Goal for 9 is to... \\ Goal for 10 is to...} \\ % Works but completely ignores the \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} in the preamble
Week 6 & Homework 11 and 12 & \makecell{Goal for 11 is to... \\ Goal for 12 is to...} \\ % Text exceeds cell when limit is reached
目標 1 と 2 の表示方法が気に入っており、前文の設定を補完しているので、m{3cm}
3 列目で使用するときに、宿題 7 と 8 のように 2 列目が中央に配置され、テキストがセルに指定された制限を超えたときに自動改行が行われるように変更できれば理想的です。
\makecell[c{p{3cm}}]{Goal for 1 is to... \\ Goal for 2 is to...}
は、固定幅 で垂直中央揃えのセルを作成します3cm
を に置き換えます\hsize
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
% Must have features for my tables
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Calender for the rest of the year} \\
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Homework} & \textbf{Goal} \\
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2
& \makecell[c{p{\hsize}}]{Goal for 1 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\
Goal for 2 is to... lot of things that take many lines} \\
Week 2 & Homework 3 and 4
& \makecell[c{p{\hsize}}]{Goal for 3 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\
Goal for 4 is to... lot of things that take many lines} \\
Week 3 & Homework 5 and 6
& \makecell[c{p{\hsize}}]{Goal for 5 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\
Goal for 6 is to... lot of things that take many lines} \\
\caption{With \textsf{makecell}}
とにかく、今は表形式配列パッケージは、最新のキー値インターフェイスを通じてテーブルをカスタマイズする多くの機能を提供し、従来のテーブル パッケージの機能を再現します。 を使用するとtabularray
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2 & {Goal for 1 is to...\\ Goal for 2 is to...} \\
例 (書式とコンテンツが分離されているため、より明確になっていることがわかります):
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
% Must have features for my tables
colspec={ | Q[c,m] | Q[c,m] | Q[3cm,m] |},
hline{1-Z} = {1}{-}{0.5mm, solid},
hline{3} = {2}{-}{0.5mm, solid},
row{2} = {font=\bfseries},
\SetCell[c=3]{c} Calender for the rest of the year
Date & Homework & Goal
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2
& {Goal for 1 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 2 is to... lot of things that take many lines}
Week 2 & Homework 3 and 4
& {Goal for 3 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 4 is to... lot of things that take many lines}
Week 3 & Homework 5 and 6
& {Goal for 5 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 6 is to... lot of things that take many lines}
\caption{With \textsf{tabularray}}
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Calendar for the rest of the year} \tabularnewline
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Homework} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Goal}} \tabularnewline
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2 &
Goal for 1 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 2 is to... lot of things that take many lines \tabularnewline
Week 2 & Homework 3 and 4 &
Goal for 3 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 4 is to... lot of things that take many lines \tabularnewline
Week 3 & Homework 5 and 6 &
Goal for 5 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 6 is to... lot of things that take many lines
Goal for 1 is to... \tabularnewline
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Calendar for the rest of the year} \tabularnewline
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Homework} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Goal}} \tabularnewline
Week 1 & Homework 1 and 2 &
Goal for 1 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 2 is to... lot of things that take many lines \tabularnewline
Week 2 & Homework 3 and 4 &
Goal for 3 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 4 is to... lot of things that take many lines \tabularnewline
Week 3 & Homework 5 and 6 &
Goal for 5 is to... lot of things that take many lines \\[6pt]
Goal for 6 is to... lot of things that take many lines
Goal for 1 is to... \tabularnewline