itemize 環境と enumerate 環境を調整して左余白を小さくするにはどうすればよいですか?

itemize 環境と enumerate 環境を調整して左余白を小さくするにはどうすればよいですか?



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\footnotesize \tableofcontents 


\begin{itemize} [<+-| alert@+>]

\item Curved beams are popular structural elements in various engineering fields
\item They offer high stiffness-to-weight ratio, making them an efficient choice for load-bearing structures
\item they provide esthetic appeal and enable the creation of complex, free-form shapes in architectural designs
\item Their ability to distribute loads efficiently and resist bending moments makes them suitable for applications such as bridges, roofs, and aircraft structures

\item Curved beams often experience large deformations under various loading conditions, necessitating the use of nonlinear analysis calculation.
\item Developing accurate and efficient nonlinear beam elements for large deformation is challenging
\item Capturing the accurate response of curved beams under large deformations is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of structures
\item Developing efficient and accurate nonlinear beam elements poses significant challenges due to the complex nature of the problem


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  • これほど多くのテキストを含むスライドを聴衆に見せたいのであれば、考え直してください。




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\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item Curved beams are popular structural elements in various engineering fields
\item They offer high stiffness-to-weight ratio, making them an efficient choice for load-bearing structures
\item they provide esthetic appeal and enable the creation of complex, free-form shapes in architectural designs
\item Their ability to distribute loads efficiently and resist bending moments makes them suitable for applications such as bridges, roofs, and aircraft structures

\item Curved beams often experience large deformations under various loading conditions, necessitating the use of nonlinear analysis calculation.
\item Developing accurate and efficient nonlinear beam elements for large deformation is challenging
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item Capturing the accurate response of curved beams under large deformations is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of structures
\item Developing efficient and accurate nonlinear beam elements poses significant challenges due to the complex nature of the problem

