! pgf の寸法が大きすぎます

! pgf の寸法が大きすぎます

私は TEX、PGF などにはまったく詳しくありませんが、親切な人が、私が使いたいものを作成するためのコードを提供してくれました。残念ながら、Dimension too large次のコードを実行するとエラーが発生します。経験不足で本当に申し訳ありません。エラーを修正するために何か助けていただけるとありがたいです。


\usepackage[paperwidth=200pt, paperheight=200pt,margin=12pt]{geometry}


% This code will simulate a pitch based on the 9-parameter PITCHf/x model.
% Written by Matthew Mata, November 2014.


% Set the counter

% Set the 9 PITCHf/x parameters

% Set the time to the plate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\tplate}{-\r - sqrt(\r*\r - \s)}

% Set time of release
\pgfmathsetmacro{\trel}{-\r - sqrt(\r*\r - \u)}

% Set time from release to plate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\t}{\tplate - \trel}

% Set the number of frames

% Set the time increment

% Create the animation
        \whiledo{\them < \frames}{
                % Clip off anything out of frame
                \clip (-3,0) rectangle (3,5);
                % Sky
                \shade[top color = blue!50!white, bottom color = blue!10!white] (-3,5) -- (3,5) -- (3,2.5) -- (-3,2.5) -- cycle;
                % Grass
                \shade[top color = green!50!black, bottom color = green!70!black] (-3,0) -- (3,0) -- (3,2.447) to [out=179, in =0] (0,2.454) to [out=180, in=1] (-3,2.447) -- (-3,0);
                % Batter's Eye
                \shade[top color = green!60!black, bottom color = green!30!black] (-0.541,3.176) -- (0.541,3.176) -- (0.541,2.5) -- (-0.541,2.5) -- cycle;
                % Bleachers
                \draw[fill = blue!50!black] (-3,3.274) to [out=-1, in=180] (-0.541,3.176) -- (-0.541,2.5) -- (-3,2.5) -- cycle;
                \draw[fill = blue!50!black] (3,3.274) to [out=181, in=0] (0.541,3.176) -- (0.541,2.5) -- (3,2.5) -- cycle;
                % Outfield Wall
                \shade[top color = green!40!black, bottom color = green!20!black] (-3,2.447) -- (-3,2.659) to [out=-1, in=180] (0,2.639) to [out=0, in=181] (3,2.659) -- (3,2.447) to [out=179, in =0] (0,2.454) to [out=180, in=1] (-3,2.447);
                % Yellow Line
                \draw[yellow] (-3,2.659) to [out=-1, in=180] (0,2.639) to [out=0, in=181] (3,2.659);
                % Mound
                \shade[top color = brown!90!black, bottom color = brown!70!black] (-1.014,2.218) to [out=10, in=180] (0,2.312) to [out=0, in=170] (1.014,2.218) to [out=185, in=0] (0,2.174) to [out = 180, in=355] (-1.014,2.218);
                % Pitching Rubber
                \draw [white] (-0.113,2.312) -- (0.113,2.312);
                % Time increment between pitches 
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\tinc}{\dt*\them + \trel};
                % Current flight time of the pitch
                % Location of the pitch at the given time
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\xraw}{0.5*\ax*\tinc*\tinc + \vxo*\tinc + \xo};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\yraw}{0.5*\ay*\tinc*\tinc + \vyo*\tinc + \yo};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\zraw}{0.5*\az*\tinc*\tinc + \vzo*\tinc + \zo};
                % Velocity of the pitch at the given time
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\vx}{\ax*\tinc + \vxo};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\vy}{\ay*\tinc + \vyo};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\vz}{\az*\tinc + \vzo};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\vel}{sqrt((15*\vx/22)*(15*\vx/22) + (15*\vy/22)*(15*\vy/22) + (15*\vz/22)*(15*\vz/22))};
                % Projection of the pitch into the strike zone
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\xproj}{\vx*(\tplate - \tinc) + \xraw};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\zproj}{0.5*\g*(\tplate - \tinc)*(\tplate - \tinc) + \vz*(\tplate - \tinc) + \zraw};
                % Distance to the catcher's viewpoint
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\ydist}{\yraw + (73/12)};
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\zdist}{\zraw - 2.5};
                % Spherical coordinates of the pitch
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\rad}{sqrt(\xdist*\xdist + \ydist*\ydist + \zdist*\zdist)};
                % Location of the pitch from the catcher's perspective
                \pgfmathsetmacro{\zscale}{\radscale*cos(\phi) + 2.5};
                % Plot the pitch
                \draw[shading = ball, ball color = white] (\xscale,\zscale) circle [radius=\rscale];
                % Plot the strike zone
                \draw[black!85!white] (-17/24,1.5) -- (17/24,1.5) -- (17/24,3.5) -- (-17/24,3.5) -- cycle;
                % Plot the projection
                \draw[red!80!white] (\xproj,\zproj) circle [radius=0.125];
                % Display the diagnostics
                \node[above right] at (-3,4.4) {Dist.: };
                \node[above left] at (-1,4.4) {\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=1,fixed]{\yraw}};
                \node[above right] at (-1.2,4.4) {ft};
                \node[above right] at (0,4.4) {Vel.: };
                \node[above left] at (2.1,4.4) {\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=1,fixed]{\vel}};
                \node[above left] at (3,4.325) {mph};
                \node[above right] at (-3,0) {Time: };
                \node[above left] at (-0.9,0) {\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2,fixed]{\time}};
                \node[above right] at (-1.1,0) {sec};
            \ifthenelse{\them < \frames}{
                \end{animateinline} \relax

