Dies könnte ein Duplikat sein, aber ich habe das ganze Internet durchsucht und keine Antwort gefunden! Ich habe diese Datei bearbeitet.
sudo gedit /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml
Diese Schlüssel hinzufügen
<key name="show-Ny händelse" type="s">
<summary>Show Ny händelse in the indicator</summary>
Shows Ny händelse from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.
<key name="exec" type="b">
<summary>Opens events,Tasks,Kalender,Ny händelse in the indicator</summary>
Opens events,Tasks,Kalender,Ny händelse from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.
<key name="open-events" type="b">
<summary>Opens events in the indicator</summary>
Opens events from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.
<key name="open-tasks" type="b">
<summary>Opens tasks in the indicator</summary>
Opens tasks from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.
<key name="open-Kalender" type="b">
<summary>Opens Kalender in the indicator</summary>
Opens Kalender from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.