Win 10 wird nicht auf das November-Update oder Redstone aktualisiert

Win 10 wird nicht auf das November-Update oder Redstone aktualisiert

Ich habe einen ein Jahr alten ASUS-Laptop, der ursprünglich mit Windows 8.1 ausgeliefert wurde. Als Windows 10 veröffentlicht wurde, habe ich problemlos auf Windows 10 aktualisiert.

Der Versuch, auf das November-Update (Threshold-2) oder neuerdings auf Redstone zu aktualisieren, funktioniert einfach nicht. Das Upgrade wird gestartet und schließlich wird Windows neu gestartet. Dann wird nach etwa 40 % des Upgrade-Prozesses das Upgrade abgebrochen und Windows wird auf die vorherige Ausgabe zurückgesetzt.



der letzte Eintrag ist immer:

2016-08-09 21:14:39, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x00007FFC83C9613C in C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\unbcl.dll (+000000000005613C).  Minidump attached (64405 bytes).

Die letzten Einträge in setupact.log sind:

2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Migrate boot settings
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Reserve space with file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Reserved.FirstApply (576716800)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       AddSpace: add:       576716800, current:       786432000, peak:       786432000
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Reserve space with file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Reserved.SecondApply (157286400)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       AddSpace: add:       157286400, current:       943718400, peak:       943718400
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Install Eula
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 0
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Copy log files from C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther to C:\WINDOWS
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     DISKSPACEQUERY: Post-BOOT operations:
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Upgrade security
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): First boot apply
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Create file/registry on first boot
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Stop suspended services
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): OOBE boot apply
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Refresh localized strings
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Execute provisioning migration
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Gather end install, scope: EVERYTHING
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       AddSpace: add:       314572800, current:       314572800, peak:       314572800
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Start suspended services
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     DISKSPACEQUERY: Final disk space needed estimate: 943718400 + 314572800 = 1258291200
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     Executing operation: Relocate OS from C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS to C:\
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Available    : 29226127360
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Needed total : 1258291200
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Needed for op: 0
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     Final list of source OS pieces:
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: WINDOWS, Original path: C:\WINDOWS, Current path: C:\WINDOWS (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: PROGRAMS, Original path: C:\Program Files, Current path: C:\Program Files (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: PROGRAMSX86, Original path: C:\Program Files (x86), Current path: C:\Program Files (x86) (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: USERS, Original path: C:\Users, Current path: C:\Users (allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: PROGRAMDATA, Original path: C:\ProgramData, Current path: C:\ProgramData (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: INETPUB, Original path: C:\inetpub, Current path: C:\inetpub (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: SKYDRIVETEMP, Original path: C:\SkyDriveTemp, Current path: C:\SkyDriveTemp (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         Name: RECOVERY, Original path: C:\Recovery, Current path: C:\Recovery (do not allow relocation)
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     No source symblic mappings found
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP     Final list of Windows.old roots:
2016-08-09 15:12:26, Info                  SP         C:\
2016-08-09 15:12:26, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x00007FFE2821613C in C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\unbcl.dll (+000000000005613C).  Minidump attached (68317 bytes).

Ich habe es mit Windows Update, dem Media Creation Tool oder dem Win 10-Upgrade-Assistenten versucht, aber ohne Erfolg.

Norton AV wird deinstalliert und Windows Defender wird verwendet.

Eine saubere Neuinstallation habe ich bisher nicht versucht und möchte dies, wenn möglich, vermeiden.

Irgendwelche Hinweise oder Vorschläge?

BEARBEITEN: Füllen Sie das setuperr.log aus:

2016-08-09 20:58:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Suspend(1066): Result = 0xC1800104
2016-08-09 20:58:44, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteInstallMode(735): Result = 0x800705BB
2016-08-09 20:58:44, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteDownlevelMode(391): Result = 0x800705BB
2016-08-09 20:58:44, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::Execute(236): Result = 0x800705BB
2016-08-09 20:58:44, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupHost::Execute(372): Result = 0x800705BB
2016-08-09 21:03:13, Error                 SP     Failed to create WIM handle for \\?\Volume{c5ef6f70-8ba0-47fa-9dae-62c3b55abf3d}\Windows Images\Install.wim. Error: 0x80070015[gle=0x00000015]
2016-08-09 21:03:13, Error                 SP     Failed to create WIM handle for \\?\Volume{c5ef6f70-8ba0-47fa-9dae-62c3b55abf3d}\Windows Images\custom.wim. Error: 0x80070015[gle=0x00000015]
2016-08-09 21:03:25, Error                 SP     Failed to create WIM handle for \\?\Volume{c5ef6f70-8ba0-47fa-9dae-62c3b55abf3d}\Windows Images\Install.wim. Error: 0x80070015[gle=0x00000015]
2016-08-09 21:03:25, Error                 SP     Failed to create WIM handle for \\?\Volume{c5ef6f70-8ba0-47fa-9dae-62c3b55abf3d}\Windows Images\custom.wim. Error: 0x80070015[gle=0x00000015]
2016-08-09 21:04:27, Error                 SP     pSPRemoveUpgradeRegTree: failed to delete reg tree HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\Upgrade[gle=0x00000005]
2016-08-09 21:04:36, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "id" attribute is mandatory. void __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadSupportedComponent(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
2016-08-09 21:04:51, Error                 CSI    00000001 (F) 80220008 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT,Code=8] #97586# from CWcmScalarInstanceCore::GetCurrentValue(options = 393216 (0x00060000), status = [6]"(null)", value = { type: 40972 (0x0000a00c), bytes ( 12 (0x0000000c) ): 640065002d00440045000000 })
2016-08-09 21:05:29, Error                 CSI    00000002 (F) 80220008 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT,Code=8] #172943# from CWcmScalarInstanceCore::GetCurrentValue(options = 393216 (0x00060000), status = [6]"(null)", value = { type: 40972 (0x0000a00c), bytes ( 12 (0x0000000c) ): 640065002d00440045000000 })
2016-08-09 21:05:41, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Component with display name: Plugin/{C939EC0F-2F56-4CE8-AF56-2336596A5FA7} already loaded __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::CMXEMigrationXml(class Mig::CPlatform *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::XmlDocument *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *)
2016-08-09 21:07:09, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {526D451C-721A-4b97-AD34-DCE5D8CD22C5}: [shmig] Failed to get preferred homegroup with hr=0x80070490
2016-08-09 21:07:12, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {ff9c714f-b864-4f43-ae39-ec07d7385abe}: Skipping device 'SWD\PRINTENUM\WSD-0629E6A1-50D6-4C99-8F72-2112EA8AC266.0034' without driver.
2016-08-09 21:07:13, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {ff9c714f-b864-4f43-ae39-ec07d7385abe}: Skipping device 'SWD\PRINTENUM\WSD-AAA2298E-E65E-4116-A2D2-AC28C7D9D7A1.006E' without driver.
2016-08-09 21:07:14, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {ee036dc0-f9b7-4d2d-bb94-3dd3102c5804}: BRIDGEMIG: CBrgUnattend::CollectBridgeSettings failed: 0x1, 0
2016-08-09 21:07:21, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {D12A3141-A1FF-4DAD-BF67-1B664DE1CBD6}: WSLicensing: Failed to read machine binding, hr=0x80070002
2016-08-09 21:07:21, Error      [0x0808fe] MIG    Plugin {D12A3141-A1FF-4DAD-BF67-1B664DE1CBD6}: WSLicensing: Error reading Server Info hr=0x80070490
2016-08-09 21:07:24, Error                        CSetupAutomation::Resurrect: File not found: C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther\automation.dat[gle=0x00000002]
2016-08-09 21:07:24, Error                 SP     CSetupPlatform::ResurrectAutomation: Failed to resurrect automation: 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]
2016-08-09 21:14:39, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x00007FFC83C9613C in C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\unbcl.dll (+000000000005613C).  Minidump attached (64405 bytes).

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