Rückgang der Bandbreitengeschwindigkeit bei Mikrotik

Rückgang der Bandbreitengeschwindigkeit bei Mikrotik

Wenn ich meinen Laptop direkt an mein Modem anschließe und einen Geschwindigkeitstest durchführe, erhalte ich die richtige Geschwindigkeit von 500 Mbit/s. Wenn ich meinen Laptop jedoch an meinen RB750Gr3 anschließe (der mit dem Modem verbunden ist), sinkt meine Internetgeschwindigkeit auf 200 Mbit/s. Ich habe es mit anderen Laptops/Geräten versucht und hatte das gleiche Ergebnis. Das Problem besteht weiterhin, unabhängig davon, ob Warteschlangen aktiviert oder deaktiviert sind. Muss ich bitte etwas an meinem Mikrotik überprüfen, damit ich auf meinen an meinen Router angeschlossenen Geräten 500 Mbit/s erreichen kann? Meine Konfiguration ist die folgende:

# apr/22/2021 19:32:24 by RouterOS 6.48
# software id = 8GVC-967D
# model = RB750Gr3
# serial number = 8AFF091B1B69
/caps-man channel
add band=2ghz-onlyn control-channel-width=20mhz frequency=2462 name=channel1
/interface bridge
add name=bridge1
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] name=ether1-WAN
/interface pptp-client
add connect-to=server1.freevpn.me name=VPN-NAME password= user=\
/caps-man datapath
add bridge=bridge1 name=Bridge
/caps-man security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa2-eap encryption=aes-ccm name=security1 \
/caps-man configuration
add channel=channel1 country=malta datapath=Bridge mode=ap name=Config \
    security=security1 ssid=S
/interface list
add name=WAN
add include=all name=LAN
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] authentication-types=wpa2-psk eap-methods="" mode=\
    dynamic-keys supplicant-identity=MikroTik wpa2-pre-shared-key=\
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
add name=Facebook regexp="^.+(facebook).*\$"
add name=Youtube regexp=\
    "^.+(youtube.com | googlevideo.com | akamaihd.net).*\$"
add name=Discord regexp="^.+(discord).*\$"
/ip kid-control
add disabled=yes fri=18h-22h mon=18h-22h name="Kyle Schedule" sun=6h-22h thu=\
    18h-22h tue=18h-22h wed=18h-22h
/ip pool
add name=dhcp_pool ranges=
/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=dhcp_pool disabled=no interface=bridge1 name=dhcp3
/queue simple
add max-limit=16M/400M name="All traffic" target=
add max-limit=15M/400M name=Unlimited parent="All traffic" priority=1/1 \
add max-limit=3M/150M name=Limited parent="All traffic" target=\,,
/user group
set full policy="local,telnet,ssh,ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,pas\
/caps-man manager
set enabled=yes
/caps-man manager interface
set [ find default=yes ] forbid=yes
add disabled=no interface=bridge1
/caps-man provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled master-configuration=Config
/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether2
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether3
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether4
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether5
/ip neighbor discovery-settings
set discover-interface-list=all
/interface detect-internet
set detect-interface-list=all internet-interface-list=all lan-interface-list=\
    all wan-interface-list=all
/interface list member
add interface=ether1-WAN list=WAN
add interface=ether2 list=LAN
add interface=bridge1 list=LAN
add list=LAN
/ip address
add address= interface=bridge1 network=
/ip dhcp-client
add disabled=no interface=ether1-WAN
/ip dhcp-server lease
add address= client-id=1:d8:9c:67:62:db:9 comment=\
    "Elton JC HP Wifi" mac-address=D8:9C:67:62:DB:09 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:ec:71:db:54:e1:52 comment="Front CCTV" \
    mac-address=EC:71:DB:54:E1:52 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:ec:71:db:cf:28:71 comment="Living CCTV" \
    mac-address=EC:71:DB:CF:28:71 server=dhcp3
add address= comment="Security System" mac-address=\
    00:1F:08:04:92:7B server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:f4:81:39:e2:e9:39 comment=\
    "Canon Printer" mac-address=F4:81:39:E2:E9:39 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:4:18:d6:9e:f5:9a comment="Ubiquiti AP" \
    mac-address=04:18:D6:9E:F5:9A server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:74:4d:28:72:fd:c3 comment="BedRoom CAP" \
    mac-address=74:4D:28:72:FD:C3 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:d4:5d:64:4:29:8a comment=\
    "K gaming PC Lan" mac-address=D4:5D:64:04:29:8A server=dhcp3
add address= comment="Argus CCTV" mac-address=18:62:E4:37:97:DC \
add address= mac-address=68:9A:87:82:82:EF server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:f4:91:1e:d1:b8:74 mac-address=\
    F4:91:1E:D1:B8:74 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:66:f9:11:61:a8:69 comment="OnePlus 6" \
    mac-address=66:F9:11:61:A8:69 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:c4:84:66:b7:10:9a mac-address=\
    C4:84:66:B7:10:9A server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:98:9:cf:5a:1c:f1 comment="OnePlus 7" \
    mac-address=98:09:CF:5A:1C:F1 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:8c:85:90:78:bf:29 comment="Macbook Pro" \
    mac-address=8C:85:90:78:BF:29 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:7c:d3:a:75:82:5d comment=\
    "work laptop wifi" mac-address=7C:D3:0A:75:82:5D server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:58:40:4e:ae:3e:66 comment="iPad" \
    mac-address=58:40:4E:AE:3E:66 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:d0:c6:37:60:cb:10 comment=\
    "Work Laptop Wifi" mac-address=D0:C6:37:60:CB:10 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:54:88:e:a0:dd:b3 comment=\
    "Samsung Living Rm TV Wifi" mac-address=54:88:0E:A0:DD:B3 server=dhcp3
add address= comment="Android Box FTP" mac-address=\
    00:11:6E:03:08:46 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:94:5:bb:16:d1:4c comment="mac wired" \
    mac-address=94:05:BB:16:D1:4C server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:5e:51:c8:d7:2d:1f comment=\
    "Ipad2" mac-address=5E:51:C8:D7:2D:1F server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:24:4b:3:a7:c1:37 comment=\
    "Samsung Living Room TV Ethernet" mac-address=24:4B:03:A7:C1:37 server=\
add address= client-id=1:3e:30:3e:f7:c6:be mac-address=\
    3E:30:3E:F7:C6:BE server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:dc:41:a9:1:30:1a comment="Surface" \
    mac-address=DC:41:A9:01:30:1A server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:74:ac:b9:6c:4c:c7 comment=\
    "Ubiquity Living rm" mac-address=74:AC:B9:6C:4C:C7 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:54:4:a6:a6:db:f4 mac-address=\
    54:04:A6:A6:DB:F4 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:c8:d9:d2:9c:4a:15 comment=\
    "Dongle Wired" mac-address=C8:D9:D2:9C:4A:15 server=dhcp3
add address= client-id=1:c8:d9:d2:7d:d3:d3 comment="JC Wired" \
    mac-address=C8:D9:D2:7D:D3:D3 server=dhcp3
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= dns-server=, gateway=\ netmask=24
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes
/ip firewall address-list
add address= comment="Self-Identification [RFC 3330]" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Private[RFC 1918] - CLASS A # Check if you nee\
    d this subnet before enable it" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Loopback [RFC 3330]" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Link Local [RFC 3330]" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Private[RFC 1918] - CLASS B # Check if you \
    need this subnet before enable it" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Reserved - IANA - TestNet1" list=Bogons
add address= comment="6to4 Relay Anycast [RFC 3068]" list=\
add address= comment="NIDB Testing" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Reserved - IANA - TestNet2" list=Bogons
add address= comment="Reserved - IANA - TestNet3" list=Bogons
add address= comment=\
    "MC, Class D, IANA # Check if you need this subnet before enable it" \
add address=www.youtube.com list="Block youtube"
add address=googlevideo.com list="Block youtube"
add address=v16a.tiktokcdn.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=p16-tiktokcdn-com.akamaized.net list="Block tiktok"
add address=log.tiktokv.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=ib.tiktokv.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=api-h2.tiktokv.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=v16m.tiktokcdn.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=api.tiktokv.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=v19.tiktokcdn.com list="Block tiktok"
add address=mon.musical.ly list="Block tiktok"
add address=api2-16-h2.musical.ly list="Block tiktok"
add address=api2.musical.ly list="Block tiktok"
add address=log2.musical.ly list="Block tiktok"
add address=api2-21-h2.musical.ly list="Block tiktok"
add address= disabled=yes list=VPN
add address= comment=Reserved list=Bogons
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow WAN"
add address= list="Allow Lan"
add address= list="Allow Lan"
/ip firewall filter
# inactive time
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Disable ALL WAN" out-interface=\
    ether1-WAN src-address-list="!Allow Lan" time=\
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Disable Selective WAN" disabled=yes \
    out-interface=ether1-WAN src-address-list="!Allow WAN"
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Disable WAN on DHCP with time" \
    disabled=yes out-interface=ether1-WAN src-address=\ time=20h-17h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Tiktok drop" dst-address-list=\
    "Block tiktok" log=yes log-prefix=tk protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=input disabled=yes port=69 protocol=udp
add action=accept chain=forward disabled=yes port=69 protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop invalid" \
add action=drop chain=input comment="DNS from outside drop UDP" dst-port=53 \
    in-interface=ether1-WAN protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=input comment="DNS from outside drop TCP" dst-port=53 \
    in-interface=ether1-WAN protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=forward comment=\
    "defconf:  drop all from WAN not DSTNATed" connection-nat-state=!dstnat \
    connection-state=new in-interface=ether1-WAN
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop to bogon list" dst-address-list=\
add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept established,related" \
add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow ping" dst-limit=\
    30,30,dst-address/1m40s limit=30,30:packet protocol=icmp
add action=accept chain=input comment="Accept established" connection-state=\
add action=accept chain=input comment="Accept related" connection-state=\
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop the rest" in-interface=ether1-WAN
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment="Fasttrack DNS TCP" \
    dst-port=53 protocol=tcp
add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment="Fasttrack DNS UDP" \
    dst-port=53 protocol=udp
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment=\
    "Facebook -created automatically Layer 7" connection-mark=no-mark \
    dst-port=53 layer7-protocol=*1 new-connection-mark=youtube_conn \
    passthrough=yes protocol=udp
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting disabled=yes new-routing-mark=vpn \
    passthrough=yes src-address-list=VPN
/ip firewall nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="Proxy redirect" disabled=yes \
    dst-port=80 protocol=tcp to-ports=8080
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat disabled=yes out-interface=VPN-NAME
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment=Masquerade ipsec-policy=out,none \
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=53 log-prefix=elt protocol=udp \
    src-address= to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=53 protocol=tcp src-address=\ to-addresses=
/ip kid-control device
add mac-address=44:D8:84:31:BA:15 name=kyle-iphone user="kSchedule"
add mac-address=A8:5E:45:63:DF:95 name=kyle-gaming user="kSchedule"
add mac-address=00:E0:33:2D:B8:2F name=Kyle-samsung-pc user="kSchedule"
add mac-address=4C:63:71:E3:32:1D name=kyle-xaomi user="kSchedule"
add mac-address=D4:5D:64:04:29:8A name=kyle-gaming-lan user="kSchedule"
add mac-address=B4:B6:76:79:B9:4F name="kyle Samsung PC" user="kSchedule"
/ip proxy
set [email protected] cache-on-disk=yes cache-path=\
/ip route
add distance=1 gateway=VPN-NAME routing-mark=vpn
add disabled=yes distance=1 dst-address= gateway=ether1-WAN
/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp disabled=yes
set api disabled=yes
set api-ssl disabled=yes
/ip ssh
set allow-none-crypto=yes forwarding-enabled=remote
/ip upnp
set enabled=yes
/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/Malta
/system watchdog
set watchdog-timer=no
/tool bandwidth-server
set enabled=no


Gelöst durch Platzieren der Fasttrack-Regeln oben auf der Firewall-ListeBildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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