Warum schlägt meine Installation des neuesten Java OpenJDK fehl?

Warum schlägt meine Installation des neuesten Java OpenJDK fehl?

Ich versuche, das neueste Java OpenJDK unter Windows 11 aus dem Quellcode mit Cygwin aus dem Git-Repository zu erstellenhttps://github.com/openjdk/loom

Wenn ich den Anweisungen in der Datei README.md folge, sehe ich

If you are eager to try out building the JDK, these simple steps works most of the time. They assume that you have installed Git (and Cygwin if running on Windows) and cloned the top-level JDK repository that you want to build.

Get the complete source code:
git clone https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/

Run configure:
bash configure

If configure fails due to missing dependencies most of the time it prints a suggestion on how to resolve the situation on
your platform. Follow the instructions, and try running `bash configure`

ich mache

bash configure --enable-absolute-paths-in-output

(Mit und ohne das Flag --enable versucht)

Ich habe Visual Studio Community mit dem Add-In C++ für die Desktopentwicklung installiert.

Es kommt zum Folgenden, dann schlägt es fehl.

Irgendwelche Anleitungen?

configure: Using default toolchain microsoft (Microsoft Visual Studio)
configure: Found Visual Studio installation at /cygdrive/c/progra~1/mib055~1/2022/Community using well-known name
configure: Warning: None of vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat vc/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat             vc/auxiliary/build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat vc/auxiliary/build/vcvars64.bat were found, Visual Studio installation not recognized. Ignoring
configure: Found Visual Studio installation at /cygdrive/c/progra~1/mib055~1/2022/Community using well-known name
configure: Warning: None of vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat vc/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat             vc/auxiliary/build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat vc/auxiliary/build/vcvars64.bat were found, Visual Studio installation not recognized. Ignoring
configure: error: Cannot locate a valid Visual Studio installation
configure exiting with result code 1

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