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\email{[email protected]}
\section{Professional network}
\cvline{Linkedin.com} {\Colorhref{http://www.linkedin.com/pub/abhilash-sukumari/10/8a6/1a4} {abhilash sukumari} - Professional profile and links. }
\cvline{Stackoverflow.com} {\small\href{http://stackoverflow.com/users/51197/adam-matan} {Adam Matan} - My software questions and answers. }
\cvline{twitter.com} {\Colorhref[red]{http://twitter.com/justnoticed}{@justnoticed} - My tech tweets.}
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\email{[email protected]}
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\section{Professional network}
\cvline{Linkedin.com} {\Colorhref{http://www.linkedin.com/pub/abhilash-sukumari/10/8a6/1a4} {abhilash sukumari} - Professional profile and links. }
\cvline{Stackoverflow.com} {\small\href{http://stackoverflow.com/users/51197/adam-matan} {Adam Matan} - My software questions and answers. }
\cvline{twitter.com} {\Colorhref[red]{http://twitter.com/justnoticed}{@justnoticed} - My tech tweets.}