
Wie erzwinge ich, dass in meinem Dokument ausgewählte Wörter an das Ende jeder Zeile gezogen werden (und bei Bedarf auch getrennt werden)?
Ich habe ein altes Dokument. Ich kenne die Seitengröße und glaube, ich habe die entsprechende moderne Schriftart für die Originalschriftart gefunden. Ich kenne jedoch die genauen Ränder und einige andere Details nicht. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Wörter als am Zeilenende stehend zu kennzeichnen und dann den Rest der Wörter im Blocksatz darzustellen?
Hier ist mein Code:
\usepackage[paperwidth=25.7cm, paperheight=40.6cm,bindingoffset=0in,left=1.2in,right=0.5in,
\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,Rare},Scale=1.9]{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent deſires, may reſt there. Purge our hearts from envy, hatred, and malice;
that we may never ſuffer the ſun to go down upon our wrath ; but may always go to
our reſt in peace, charity, and good-will, with a conſcience void of offence
towards thee and towards men: That ſo we may be preſerved pure and blameleſs,
unto the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Interceſſion}}, loversize=0.2]{A}{ND}
accept, O Lord, our interceſſions for all mankind. Let the light of
thy Goſpel ſhine upon all nations; and may as many as have received it,
live as becomes it. Be gracious unto thy Church; and grant that every member
of the fame, in his vocation and miniſtry, may ſerve thee faithfully. Bleſs
all in authority over us; and ſo rule their hearts and ſtrengthen their hands,
that they may puniſh wickedneſs and vice, and maintain thy true religion and virtue.
Send down thy bleſſings temporal and ſpiritual, upon all our relations, friends,
and neighbours. Reward all who have done us good, and pardon all thoſe who have
done or wiſh us evil, and give them repentance and better minds. Be merciful to
all who are in any trouble; and do thou, the God of pity, adminiſter to them
according to their ſeveral neceſſities, for his ſake who went about doing good,
thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Thanksgiving}}, loversize=0.1]{T}{O}
our prayers, O Lord, we join our unfeigned thanks for all the
mercies; for our being, our reaſon, and all other endowments and faculties of ſoul
and body; for our health, friends, food, and raiment, and all the other comforts and
conveniences of life. Above all we adore thy mercy in ſending thy only Son into the
world to redeem us from ſin and eternal death, and in giving us the knowledge and
ſenſe of our duty towards thee. We bleſs thee for thy patience with us, notwithſtanding
our many and great provocations; for all the directions, aſſiſtances, and comforts of thy
Holy Spirit; for thy continual care and watchful providence over us through the whole
courſe of our lives; and particularly for the mercies and benefits of the paſt day:
Beſecching thee to continue theſe thy bleſſings to us; and to give is grace to ſhow
our thankfulneſs in a ſincere obedience to his laws through whoſe merits and
interceſſion we received them all, thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{Prayer for God's pro-\\tection through the night
following.}}, loversize=0.1]{I}{N} particular we beſeech thee to continue thy
gracious protection to us this night. Defend us from all dangers and miſchiefs, and from
the fear of them; that we may enjoy ſuch refreſhing ſleep as may lit us for the
duties of the following day. Make us ever mindful of the time when we ſhall lie
down in the duſt; and grant us grace always to live in fuch a ſtate, that we may
never be afraid to die: So that living and dying we may be thine, through the
merits and ſatisfaction of thy Son Chriſt Jeſus, in whoſe Name we offer up theſe
imperfect prayers. Amen.
THE grace of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and the love of God, and the fellowſhip of
the Holy Ghoſt, be with us all evermore. \textit{Amen.}
\textpilcrow \textit{ On Sundays and on other days, when it may be convenient,
it will be proper to begin with a\\Chapter, or part of a Chapter, from the New Teſtament}
Hier ist ein Screenshot des Originals (links) und der Ausgabe (rechts).
Und wie kann ich in 'protection' zu 'protect-tection' (mit einer Rückgabe) machen \lettrine[ante={\prelude{Prayer for God's pro-\\tection through the night following.}}, loversize=0.1]{I}{N}
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich Ihre Anfragen ganz verstehe, aber wie wäre es mit so etwas?
\usepackage[paperwidth=25.7cm, paperheight=40.6cm,bindingoffset=0in,left=1.2in,right=0.5in,
\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,Rare},Scale=1.9]{Adobe Caslon Pro}
\noindent deſires, may reſt there. Purge our hearts from envy, hatred, and malice;
that we may never ſuffer the ſun to go down upon our wrath ; but may always go to
our reſt in peace, charity, and good-will, with a conſcience void of offence
towards thee and towards men: That ſo we may be preſerved pure and blameleſs,
unto the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Interceſſion}}]{A}{ND}
accept, O Lord, our interceſſions for all mankind. Let the light of
thy Goſpel ſhine upon all nations; and may as many as have received it,
live as becomes it. Be gracious unto thy Church; and grant that every member
of the fame, in his vocation and miniſtry, may ſerve thee faithfully. Bleſs
all in authority over us; and ſo rule their hearts and ſtrengthen their hands,
that they may puniſh wickedneſs and vice, and maintain thy true religion and virtue.
Send down thy bleſſings temporal and ſpiritual, upon all our relations, friends,
and neighbours. Reward all who have done us good, and pardon all thoſe who have
done or wiſh us evil, and give them repentance and better minds. Be merciful to
all who are in any trouble; and do thou, the God of pity, adminiſter to them
according to their ſeveral neceſſities, for his ſake who went about doing good,
thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Thanksgiving}}]{T}{O}
our prayers, O Lord, we join our unfeigned thanks for all the
mercies; for our being, our reaſon, and all other endowments and faculties of ſoul
and body; for our health, friends, food, and raiment, and all the other comforts and
conveniences of life. Above all we adore thy mercy in ſending thy only Son into the
world to redeem us from ſin and eternal death, and in giving us the knowledge and
ſenſe of our duty towards thee. We bleſs thee for thy patience with us, notwithſtanding
our many and great provocations; for all the directions, aſſiſtances, and comforts of thy
Holy Spirit; for thy continual care and watchful providence over us through the whole
courſe of our lives; and particularly for the mercies and benefits of the paſt day:
Beſecching thee to continue theſe thy bleſſings to us; and to give is grace to ſhow
our thankfulneſs in a ſincere obedience to his laws through whoſe merits and
interceſſion we received them all, thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{Prayer for God's protection through the night
following}}]{I}{N} particular we beſeech thee to continue thy
gracious protection to us this night. Defend us from all dangers and miſchiefs, and from
the fear of them; that we may enjoy ſuch refreſhing ſleep as may lit us for the
duties of the following day. Make us ever mindful of the time when we ſhall lie
down in the duſt; and grant us grace always to live in fuch a ſtate, that we may
never be afraid to die: So that living and dying we may be thine, through the
merits and ſatisfaction of thy Son Chriſt Jeſus, in whoſe Name we offer up theſe
imperfect prayers. Amen.
THE grace of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and the love of God, and the fellowſhip of
the Holy Ghoſt, be with us all evermore. \textit{Amen.}
\textpilcrow \textit{ On Sundays and on other days, when it may be convenient,
it will be proper to begin with a\\Chapter, or part of a Chapter, from the New Teſtament}
Was ich geändert habe:
- Ich habe alle
s aus deinem\lettrine
s entfernt Ich habe den Abstand zwischen den Zeilen vergrößert durch
Ich habe den Abstand zwischen den Absätzen vergrößert durch
Ich habe Ihren
Befehl vollständig geändert und ihn so eingefügt,\parbox
dass Wörter automatisch getrennt werden und alle die gleiche Größe haben.
Eine neue Version mit einer manuellen Unterbrechung \prelude
(um zu zeigen, wie es funktioniert) und einigen Verbesserungen (beachten Sie die dritte \lettrine
\usepackage[paperwidth=25.7cm, paperheight=40.6cm,bindingoffset=0in,left=1.2in,right=0.5in,
\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,Rare},Scale=1.9]{Adobe Caslon Pro}
% \linespread{1.75}\selectfont
\noindent deſires, may reſt there. Purge our hearts from envy, hatred, and malice;
that we may never ſuffer the ſun to go down upon our wrath ; but may always go to
our reſt in peace, charity, and good-will, with a conſcience void of offence
towards thee and towards men: That ſo we may be preſerved pure and blameleſs,
unto the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Interceſſion}}]{A}{ND}
accept, O Lord, our interceſſions for all mankind. Let the light of
thy Goſpel ſhine upon all nations; and may as many as have received it,
live as becomes it. Be gracious unto thy Church; and grant that every member
of the fame, in his vocation and miniſtry, may ſerve thee faithfully. Bleſs
all in authority over us; and ſo rule their hearts and ſtrengthen their hands,
that they may puniſh wickedneſs and vice, and maintain thy true religion and virtue.
Send down thy bleſſings temporal and ſpiritual, upon all our relations, friends,
and neighbours. Reward all who have done us good, and pardon all thoſe who have
done or wiſh us evil, and give them repentance and better minds. Be merciful to
all who are in any trouble; and do thou, the God of pity, adminiſter to them
according to their ſeveral neceſſities, for his ſake who went about doing good,
thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{The Thanksgiving}}]{T}{O}
our prayers, O Lord, we join our unfeigned thanks for all the
mercies; for our being, our reaſon, and all other endowments and faculties of ſoul
and body; for our health, friends, food, and raiment, and all the other comforts and
conveniences of life. Above all we adore thy mercy in ſending thy only Son into the
world to redeem us from ſin and eternal death, and in giving us the knowledge and
ſenſe of our duty towards thee. We bleſs thee for thy patience with us, notwithſtanding
our many and great provocations; for all the directions, aſſiſtances, and comforts of thy
Holy Spirit; for thy continual care and watchful providence over us through the whole
courſe of our lives; and particularly for the mercies and benefits of the paſt day:
Beſecching thee to continue theſe thy bleſſings to us; and to give is grace to ſhow
our thankfulneſs in a ſincere obedience to his laws through whoſe merits and
interceſſion we received them all, thy Son our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. \textit{Amen.}
\lettrine[ante={\prelude{Prayer for God's pro-\linebreak tection through the night
following}},lines=3,loversize=-0.2,lraise=0.1,slope=-25pt]{I}{N} particular we beſeech thee to continue thy
gracious protection to us this night. Defend us from all dangers and miſchiefs, and from
the fear of them; that we may enjoy ſuch refreſhing ſleep as may lit us for the
duties of the following day. Make us ever mindful of the time when we ſhall lie
down in the duſt; and grant us grace always to live in fuch a ſtate, that we may
never be afraid to die: So that living and dying we may be thine, through the
merits and ſatisfaction of thy Son Chriſt Jeſus, in whoſe Name we offer up theſe
imperfect prayers. Amen.
THE grace of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and the love of God, and the fellowſhip of
the Holy Ghoſt, be with us all evermore. \textit{Amen.}
\textpilcrow \textit{ On Sundays and on other days, when it may be convenient,
it will be proper to begin with a\\Chapter, or part of a Chapter, from the New Teſtament}