Schema zur Darstellung der chemischen potentiellen Energie

Schema zur Darstellung der chemischen potentiellen Energie

Ich habe diesen Code geschrieben, um das Konzept der chemischen potentiellen Energie schematisch darzustellen. Dieses Bild wird Teil eines repräsentativen Diagramms der Energieumwandlung in einer Voltazelle sein: chemische potentielle Energie -> elektrische Energie (= elektrische Arbeit) (Wandler: Lampe) -> Strahlungsenergie -> innere Energie. Ich bitte um Hilfe bei zwei Aufgaben: 1) Transparenz hinzufügen und die Darstellung des Reagenzglases verbessern, 2) die Darstellung der Karotte verbessern (falls möglich). Vielen Dank im Voraus.


picture tube, base, carrot;
path p;
pair t;
numeric xx, y;
color carrotcolor, aquaU, aquaD, tubecolor;
carrotcolor :=(235/255, 137/255, 33/255);
aquaU := (2/255, 132/255, 130/255);
aquaD := (122/255, 186/255, 122/255);
tubecolor :=(183/255, 110/255, 184/255);

%draw the essay tube
draw origin--origin shifted (3cm,0cm) withpen pencircle scaled 1cm withcolor tubecolor;
draw origin--origin shifted (3cm,0cm) withpen pencircle scaled .8cm withcolor white;
fill fullcircle shifted (-0.01cm,0) xscaled .6cm yscaled .9cm withpen pencircle scaled .1cm withcolor white;
draw fullcircle shifted (-.010cm,0) xscaled .61cm yscaled .9cm withpen pencircle scaled .1cm withcolor tubecolor;
tube := currentpicture scaled .4;currentpicture:=nullpicture;

%draw the rectangle base
linejoin := mitered; linecap := butt;
fill (0,0)--(0,2cm)--(3cm,2cm)--(3cm,0)--cycle withcolor aquaD; 
draw (0,0)--(0,2cm)--(3cm,2cm)--(3cm,0)--cycle withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor aquaU;
base:=currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture;

% draw the carrot tubercle
p:= origin..(-.1cm,.15cm)..(-.1cm,2.15cm)..(0,2.15cm)..(.1cm,2.15cm)..(.1cm,.15cm)..cycle;
drawfill p withcolor transparent(1,.5,carrotcolor);
draw p ;

% draw the green leaves
linejoin :=mitered; linecap:=rounded;
for i=2 step .1 until 4:
t:= point i of p;
xx:=uniformdeviate( 1 )*1cm + xpart(t)-uniformdeviate( 1 )*1cm;
y:=uniformdeviate( 1.5 )*1cm + ypart(t);
draw t..(xx,y) withpen pencircle scaled withcolor green;
carrot := currentpicture scaled .45; currentpicture:=nullpicture;

%include all drawings
draw base;  
draw tube  rotated -135  shifted (2cm,1.5cm) ;
draw carrot rotated 45  shifted (2cm,.5cm) ;



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