Unterabschnitte im Zusammenhang mit Abschnitten

Unterabschnitte im Zusammenhang mit Abschnitten

Ich möchte wissen, ob es möglich ist, den Stil der Unterabschnitte in meinem Dokument zu verbessern. Wie Sie sehen, möchte ich im Kapitel „Methoden“ bis zu vier Unterabschnitte haben. Beispielsweise zeigt das Dokument „II. Auswahl der Vermögenswerte“, obwohl es idealerweise „I.II. Auswahl der Vermögenswerte“ wäre (weil es zu einem bestimmten Kapitel gehört). Ist das möglich?

Hier ist mein Code:

\geometry{a4paper,left=25mm,right=25mm, top=25mm, bottom=25mm, headsep=10mm} 
\setlength{\parskip}{\the\baselineskip plus 2pt minus 1pt}

% All pages have headers and footers
% Blank out the default header
% Custom header text
\fancyhead[C]{ABC $\bullet$ ABC $\bullet$ ABC} 

% Allows customization of titles
% Roman numerals for the sections
% Arabic numerals for subsections


% starts supressing the twoculomn environment, from here on it will we one column

% make a section
\section*{\huge\scshape\centering{The Mash-Up Experiment}}

\large\textsc{XXX XXX}\\

\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}

“The Mash-Up Experiment” is a six-minute musical piece. 


%begins tabular
&\textbf{Keywords}: authorship\\
% ends tabular


% ends suppressing the twocolumn environment, from here on it will be twocolumn

\section{Methods} % make section 
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).” 

\subsection{Selection of assets}
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).” 

\subsection{Composition and arrangement}
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).” 



Das gewünschte Verhalten

I.II. Auswahl der Vermögenswerte

kann durch Ändern der folgenden Zeile erreicht werden




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