Ausgerichtete \Beschreibung

Ausgerichtete \Beschreibung



\noindent Let us define:
  \item[$C_{DEP}$] (\euro) depreciation of the machine.
  \item[$C_{EN}$] (\euro) energy cost.
  \item[$CE$] (\euro /year) energy cost per year.
  \item[$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \item[$CS$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of sorting.
  \item[$CP$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of the packaging material.
  \item[$c_{pack}$] (\euro /kg) cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
  \item[$c_u$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle/g) cost of the raw material per gram.
  \item[$\delta$] dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
  \item[$DEP$] (\euro /year) depreciation of the machine per year.
  \item[$E(W|W \geq W_L)$] (g/package) expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$E(W|W < W_L)$] (g/package) expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \item[$LAB$] (\euro /h) labor cost per hour.
  \item[$n_B$] number of ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$P$] number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
  \item[$Q_{pack}$] (kg/package) quantity of the packaging material per package.
  \item[$t$] (hours/package) production time.
  \item[$W$] (g/package) quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
  \item[$W_L$]              (g/package) legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

    \captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
  \item[$W_T$] (g) Target weight value of a package.
  \item[$TI$] (s) time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$WH$] (hours/year) working hours of the machine per year.





Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit, Symbole, Maßeinheiten und Beschreibungen auszurichten? Ich möchte die Verwendung von Tabellen zur Ausrichtung vermeiden. Ich hätte gerne so etwas wie:

SYMBOL    (Units)    Long long long long long long long long long long long long long
SYMBOL_2  (Units)    Long long long long long long long long long long long long long
                     Long long long long long long long long long long long long long


Diese mögliche Lösung verwendet die Technik, die inBeschreibungsliste mit ausgerichteten Beschreibungenund definieren Sie aboxfür die Symbole ein Makro namens „Box“ mit 3 cm Länge und linksbündiger Ausrichtung, sodass eine zweite Spaltenausrichtung hergestellt wird.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben



\def\abox#1{\leavevmode\hbox to 3cm{#1\ \hfill}}


\noindent Let us define:
\begin{description}[leftmargin=6.2cm,labelwidth=\widthof{$E(W|W < W_L)$}]
\item[$C_{DEP}$]  \abox{(\euro)} depreciation of the machine.
\item[$C_{EN}$]   \abox{(\euro)}  energy cost.
\item[$CE$]       \abox{(\euro/year)} energy cost per year.
\item[$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$] \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$]    \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$CS$]       \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of sorting.
\item[$CP$]       \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of the packaging material.
\item[$c_{pack}$] \abox{(\euro /kg)} cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
\item[$c_u$]      \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle/g)} cost of the raw material per gram.
\item[$\delta$]   \abox{} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
\item[$DEP$]      \abox{(\euro /year)} depreciation of the machine per year.
\item[$E(W|W \geq W_L)$]\abox{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$E(W|W < W_L)$]   \abox{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$LAB$]      \abox{(\euro /h)} labor cost per hour.
\item[$n_B$]      \abox{} number of ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$P$]        \abox{} number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
\item[$Q_{pack}$] \abox{(kg/package)} quantity of the packaging material per package.
\item[$t$]        \abox{(hours/package)} production time.
\item[$W$]        \abox{(g/package)} quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
\item[$W_L$]      \abox{(g/package)} legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

\captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
\item[$W_T$] \abox{(g)} Target weight value of a package.
\item[$TI$]  \abox{(s)} time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$WH$]  \abox{(hours/year)} working hours of the machine per year.


Passen Sie die Werte von \onelenund \twolenIhren Anforderungen an und verwenden Sie \myitemanstelle von \itemwie im folgenden Beispiel:




  \item[#1] \makebox[\twolen][l]{#2}%

\noindent Let us define:
  \myitem{$C_{DEP}$}{(\euro)} depreciation of the machine.
  \myitem{$C_{EN}$}{(\euro)} energy cost.
  \myitem{$CE$}{(\euro /year)} energy cost per year.
  \myitem{$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$CS$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of sorting.
  \myitem{$CP$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of the packaging material.
  \myitem{$c_{pack}$}{(\euro /kg)} cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
  \myitem{$c_u$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle/g)} cost of the raw material per gram.
  \myitem{$\delta$}{} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
  \myitem{$DEP$}{(\euro /year)} depreciation of the machine per year.
  \myitem{$E{(W|W \geq W_L)}$}{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$E(W|W < W_L)$}{{(g/package)}} expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$LAB$}{(\euro /h)} labor cost per hour.
  \myitem{$n_B$}{} number of ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$P$}{} number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
  \myitem{$Q_{pack}$}{(kg/package)} quantity of the packaging material per package.
  \myitem{$t$}{(hours/package)} production time.
  \myitem{$W$}{(g/package)} quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
  \myitem{$W_L$}{(g/package)} legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

    \captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
  \myitem{$W_T$}{(g)} Target weight value of a package.
  \myitem{$TI$}{(s)} time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$WH$}{(hours/year)} working hours of the machine per year.


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Wenn Sie nur eine Liste verwenden möchten descriptionundDavid hat vorgeschlagen, alles in die Artikelbeschreibung stopfen, können Sie eine kostengünstige Ausrichtung mit \rlapund erreichen \phantom. (Beachten Sie, dass die Argumente für die beiden \phantomBefehle die jeweils längsten Einträge im Feld „Symbol“ und „Einheit“ sein sollten.)


\newcommand\itemd[2]{\item[\rlap{#1}\phantom{$CMAT_{(W<W_L)}$} \rlap{(#2)}\phantom{\euro{}
/ package}]}

\noindent Let us define:
  \itemd{$C_{DEP}$}{\euro{}} depreciation of the machine.
  \itemd{$C_{EN}$}{\euro{}} energy cost.
  \itemd{$CE$}{\euro{} /year} energy cost per year.
  \itemd{$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$}{\euro{}} cost of raw
material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \itemd{$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$}{\euro{}} cost of raw
material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \itemd{$CS$}{\euro{}} cost of sorting.
  \itemd{$c_{pack}$}{\euro{} /kg} cost of the packaging material per
  \itemd{$c_u$}{\euro{}/g} cost of the raw material per
  \itemd{$\delta$}{none} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap
  \itemd{$DEP$}{\euro{} /year} depreciation of the machine per year.
  \itemd{$E(W|W \geq W_L)$}{g/package} expected weight value of the
``conforming'' packages.

(Ich poste CW, weil mir diese Ausgabe nicht so gut gefällt: Bei vielen Symbolen und Einheiten unterschiedlicher Länge würde jede ausgerichtete Ausgabe seltsam aussehen.)

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


verwenden Sie ein, tablexes unterstützt longtableauch ein tabularxmit einem möglichen Seitenumbruch:

\captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size

\noindent Let us define:

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}r X@{}}
$C_{DEP}$ (\euro) & depreciation of the machine.\\
$C_{EN}$  (\euro) & energy cost.\\
$CE$      (\euro /year) & energy cost per year.\\
$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.\\
$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$CS$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of sorting.\\
$CP$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of the packaging material.\\
$c_{pack}$ (\euro /kg) & cost of the packaging material per kilogram.\\
$c_u$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle/g) & cost of the raw material per gram.\\
$\delta$ & dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.\\
$DEP$ (\euro /year) & depreciation of the machine per year.\\
$E(W|W \geq W_L)$ (g/package) & expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.\\
$E(W|W < W_L)$ (g/package) & expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$LAB$ (\euro /h) & labor cost per hour.\\
$n_B$ & number of ``conforming'' packages.\\
$P$ & number of packages produced in a specific time interval.\\
$Q_{pack}$ (kg/package) & quantity of the packaging material per package.\\
$t$ (hours/package) & production time.\\
$W$ (g/package) & quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.\\
$W_L$ (g/package) & legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below: 

\begin{longtable}{cc | cc}\toprule
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\\bottomrule
\caption{tolerable negative error}\label{tab:legislation} \\

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}r l X@{}}
$W_T$ (g) & Target weight value of a package.\\
$TI$ (s) & time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$WH$ (hours/year) & working hours of the machine per year.\\


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