Reduzierung des Leerraums unter dem Tikz-Qtree-Baum

Reduzierung des Leerraums unter dem Tikz-Qtree-Baum

Ich füge in meine Dissertation syntaktische Bäume ein. Unter jedem Baum befindet sich eine enorme Menge an Leerraum, was die Redaktion der Universität zum Schreien, Heulen und Stöhnen bringen und schließlich dazu führen wird, dass meine Dissertation abgelehnt wird, bis ich sie korrigiert habe. Wie entferne ich den überflüssigen Leerraum unter dem Baum?


\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.


Eine Möglichkeit besteht darin, pgfinterruptboundingboxden Begrenzungsrahmen für den gekrümmten Pfad zu unterbrechen. Dann muss manuell etwas Abstand hinzugefügt werden (oder siehe unten, um manuelle Eingriffe zu vermeiden):

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Um den Abstand nicht von Hand hinzufügen zu müssen, platzieren Sie einfach eine sinnvolle Zahl (zum Beispiel einen leeren Knoten) unterhalb des untersten Knotens, nachdem die Begrenzungsbox unterbrochen wurde:

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);
\node[below=of VERB] {};

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.



\useasboundingboxSie können vor dem Befehl verwenden \draw, um zu verhindern, dass er den Begrenzungsrahmen beeinflusst. Unten muss etwas zusätzlicher Platz für den Pfeil hinzugefügt werden, daher [yshift=-1.2cm](durch Ausprobieren gefunden).

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}
The relevant structure in \ref{tree:opt-marker-verb-move} shows the necessary movement for the verb to precede the suffix. XP refers to some unknown structure to which the verb is drawn.

\leavevmode\vadjust{\vspace{-\baselineskip}}\newline %this command makes the example number line up with the top of the tree, rather than the bottom
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
\Tree [.XP \node(XP){}; 
[.\textsc{FocusP} =em 
[.vP {} 
[.VP {} 
[.V \node(VERB){puv}; ] 
] ] ] ] ]
\useasboundingbox (current bounding box.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-1.2cm]current bounding box.south east);

\draw[->] (VERB) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5] to (XP);

It is difficult to justify this verbal movement. First, we would have to identify a higher structure in a suitable relationship with the verb to motivate verbal movement. Then we would have to identify features to check that exist on both the new structure and the verb.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Ich konnte den größten Teil des Leerraums beseitigen, indem ich den Ausgabewert im Zeichenbefehl veränderte. Ich änderte ihn von -90 auf -180 und erreichte den gewünschten Abstand.

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